Multi Deadpool - Launch trailer


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Feb 28, 2011
High Moon Studios and Activision have a Deadpool game in the works.

Any solid details on the game are still unknown at this point, but it looks like Nolan North, who is most famous for Nathan Drake in the Uncharted series, will voice Deadpool.

Development duties are being handled by High Moon Studios, who are known for their work on Activision’s Transformer franchise.

Deadpool featured fairly recently in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions and Marvel Ultimate Alliance, but this marks the first time the Deadpool character has starred in a game all by himself.

The trailer features that wicked sense of humour that fans of the Deadpool comic books will know and love.

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I don't really know much about the Deadpool character, but I like what I'm seeing in the trailer... kind of reminds me of Duke Nukem. :cool: just dropped their price to $49.99... and here's the newest and oh-so-awesome trailer! :scat: :hilarious:

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The reviews are in and they don't look very promising:

EGM (80/100): "If you're a fan of Deadpool, you'll certainly appreciate the experience, but if you're really unfamiliar with the character (even though I don't know how that's possible at this point), you might be a bit wary of having this game be your first experience"

Game Informer (60/100): "When I finished this game, I walked away unfulfilled. After a weekend away from it, I found myself chuckling over the crazy things Deadpool said and did. His obsession with Wolverine is particularly funny. The memories I took away from the game were worth the time I put in, even if playing it was a chore."

Eurogamer (60/100): "Even with this crudely skewed difficulty curve, it's not hard to romp through the game's six stages without too much trouble, and once it's done there's not much else to do, beyond replaying it all again to max out those upgrade trees or dipping into a selection of one-note challenge stages based on locations you've already grown tired of."

IGN (60/100): "On the other hand, much of the Deadpool gameplay experience is formulaic and safe you might think developer High Moon Studios is playing some sort of self-referential "hey, isn't it ironic how normal this is?" meta-gag on you. But it's not."

VideoGamer (50/100): "Deadpool is a great character wrapped in a standard (and short) action experience."
I saw some gameplay from it and it looks like It could get old fast. Too bad because I like the idea on Deadpool in a game ever since he popped up in spiderman dimensions.