Deus Ex: Human Revolution - CBS buys film rights!

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA

Deus Ex: Human Revolution will be the third game in the first-person role-playing game Deus Ex series, and a prequel to the original game.


In the Deus Ex games, augmentations are body modifications that allow the user superhuman abilities. While augmentations in the first two games were nanotech, Human Revolution is set prior to both and instead features mechanical augmentations. These will be divided into four types: Combat, Stealth, Technology and Social. Using social skills, social augmentations and stealth a player is able to play through the whole game killing only the bosses.

Every enemy squad will have an identifiable squad leader who will direct the team's actions. If the leader is killed, the squad falls into disarray. Enemies will also react to subtle player decisions, such as a change in behaviour or weapons, etc.

Unlike in Invisible War, weapons will fire distinct ammunition types instead of depleting a unified pool. They can also be upgraded to better suit the player.

Deviating from previous titles in the series, Human Revolution will use a regenerating health model. This change was made because the developers didn't want players to get into a situation where they were unable to progress due to low health, and would be forced to "scrounge for med packs." They see this scrounging behavior as breaking the flow of the game when one retreats to search the entire level for medical supplies. They believe their regenerating health model will still encourage tactical and strategy forming retreats, but not to the extent where the tension and flow of the game is disrupted. Despite using a regenerating health model, the game will still include health restoring consumables, such as food.

Human Revolution is primarily a first person game, but will feature a contextual third person viewpoint when using the cover system, certain augmentations, or closeup instant-kill moves.

Preorder Deus Ex: Human Revolution:
Preorder Deus Ex: Human Revolution Augmented Edition:
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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Hits PS3 This August, PAX Plans

You want a release date? You’ve got it. Deus Ex: Human Revolution releases August 23rd in the U.S. No one is more excited to have this information out in the wild than all of us at Eidos Montreal. Okay, so maybe that’s an exaggeration. Judging by all the emails, various article comments, forum posts, Twitter responses, and Facebook comments, this is something you’ve wanted for a long, long time. But imagine spending four years on an absolute labor of love, and finally being able to tell people WHEN they can experience the fruit of your labors!

Augmented Edition


We’re always watching the aforementioned avenues of communication, and ya know what? We like to join the conversation ourselves. So until August 23rd rolls around, we welcome you to follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and partake in all the lovely discussions on our very active message board. Additionally, every week we answer questions via our Ask JJB video podcast. If you have a question regarding Deus Ex: Human Revolution that you want answered, go ahead and ask!



Oh, and if you’re heading to PAX East in Boston this weekend, be sure to stop by the main theater at 2:30 PM for a very special gameplay segment and a live Q&A with members of the development team. I’ll also be wandering the showfloor with a few goodies, so if you want to be eligible, follow me on Twitter in addition to our official account. I hope to see you there!
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Hoping to assuage customers angry over having their games opened and rifled through prior to purchase, GameStop is offering everyone that purchased the regular edition of Deus Ex: Human Revolution for the PC a $50 gift card and a Buy Two, Get One Free used game purchase, according to a leaked memo. All better now?

Even the most hardcore GameStop devotees found it hard to support the retailer earlier this week, when it was discovered the company had ordered employees open up copies of Deus Ex: Human Revolution for the PC prior to sale, removing the coupon for OnLive, a streaming game service that will soon be in direct competition with GameStop's own streaming service. According to the retailer, publisher Square Enix included the coupons without consulting GameStop, and the company could not suffer promoting the competition through the sale of Human Revolution.
The fallout led to a recall later that same day, with Square Enix agreeing to take back unsold copies of Deus Ex and shouldering some of the blame for the whole sordid affair.

Now GameStop wants to make things right. According to an internal email that has since been verified with retail locations, anyone that purchased a copy of the regular PC edition of Deus Ex: Human Revolution from GameStop is entitled to a $50 gift card, as well as an offer to buy two used games and get one free. Customers that purchased the game via the online store are included, and both they and members of the retailers Power Up Rewards card program will be notified via e-mail of the offer.

Is this enough to placate jaded customers, or has GameStop dug themselves too deep a hole?

Update: Reader Kate sent us the text from the apology email. Thanks, Kate!

Dear GameStop customer,

Earlier this week, GameStop removed a competitor's coupon from standard edition PC versions of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, a recent release by Square Enix. We were not aware that the product box would contain this competitor's offer. We regret the events surrounding this title release and that our customers were put in the middle of this issue between GameStop and Square Enix, the publisher of this game. And for this, we are truly sorry.

For your inconvenience, we would like to offer you a free $50 GameStop gift card and a Buy 2 Get 1 Free pre-owned purchase. We want to earn back your trust and confidence in the GameStop experience. Please bring in this email and your store receipt or order confirmation from and present it to a Game Advisor.

Paul Raines
CEO, GameStop

This is more for PC users, but the fact is that Gamestop was in the wrong here. Free $50 gc if you bought the PC version from them.
Game looks really cool. I wanna see if my redbox has it to see if its worth me buying.
my redbox has it ... it starts out kinda slow with character development, but dang does this game get good. It's definitely a quality made game.
I've been playing it on my PC and damn it's good. Like Wreck mentions, it starts slow and gets really really good. BTW get the communications mod wreck'm ;)
I already turned it back in to redbox ... I'm gonna end up buying it, just not yet. I use redbox for rentals for peace of mind. But its def worth a purchase, i liked the sound effects/soundtrack a lot.
I must of played at least 5 hrs this morning and I'm loving the game.

yah it seems like a pretty cool game. in no hurry tho to play it. ill wait till it shows up for $15 in a steam deal ;)

actually, me and deleeuw are playing borderlands right now on steam. so he hasn't disappeared :cool:

i know bailey was missing him :p
yah it seems like a pretty cool game. in no hurry tho to play it. ill wait till it shows up for $15 in a steam deal ;)

actually, me and deleeuw are playing borderlands right now on steam. so he hasn't disappeared :cool:

i know bailey was missing him :p

I do not mean to go off topic, but Bordelands for 7.49 on Steam with all the DLC is a freaking deal!!
Deus Ex DLC features less 'frustrating' boss battle

The Missing Link DLC, the first available for Eidos Montreal’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution, will include a boss battle unlike those found in the standard game. Speaking with Eurogamer, Eidos Montreal said the boss encounter will be less frustrating than those in the primary game.

Marc-Andre Dufort, producer of the DLC, said, "You can actually not kill the boss. You can do a non lethal takedown on him. And you can kill him from afar. You can even kill him without him seeing you. It's more of a bigger challenge than a standard boss fight like we have in many games."

Eidos Montreal outsourced its boss battles in Deus Ex to Grip Entertainment. For anyone that played Deus Ex, you likely found that boss battles deviated from the game’s otherwise play-as-you-like premise. But, the boss battle in The Missing Link, was done in-house at Eidos Montreal.

"Everything was done in Montreal at Eidos," Dufort said "It's a lot less frustrating. But it depends on the way you play. If you played more combat in the main game, you probably didn't have any trouble dealing with the boss fights. So we allow the adaptation of the way you play for that particular boss fight."

The DLC is out next month and features five more hours of gameplay. It finds our hero, Adam Jensen, in a boat without his precious augmentations or weapons.
If you aren't busy creeping through the shadows for other reasons, the Deus Ex: Human Revolution DLC, "The Missing Link," will be ready to augment reality on October 18 in North America. Eidos Montreal also confirmed the DLC will launch on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC for $14.99 (1200 MSP).

For more info on the 5-8 hour mini-campaign, check out our preview. Or if you're the patient type, we'll have a review up very shortly.

5-8 hours more of gameplay sounds good. This might be a bit more of a challenge since you are stripped of your augs. :scat: