Die Hard 24/7 and Fantastic Four Reborn?

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Jan 27, 2009
San Pedro, CA
Ain’t It Cool has heard from their sources (which I assume must be embedded in 20th Century Fox) that the upcoming Die Hard 5 will be titled Die Hard 24/7 and the in development Fantastic Four reboot might be titled Fantastic Four Reborn. And if the title wasn’t completely clear, Harry also confirms that the Fantastic Four movie will be a “complete reboot”. Two horrible titles if you ask me, but they could very well change (lets hope so). What do you think?

The Fantastic Four reboot was announced on the same day that Disney revealed that they would be acquiring Marvel. Akiva Goldsman was hired to produce a new Fantastic Four film, a complete reboot. Michael Green, a producer/writer for Smallville, Everwood and Heroes (ugh…) who co-wrote the upcoming big screen adaptation of The Green Lantern, has been hired to write the movie. No other details are known at this time, as Fox has not commented about its plans.

One can only hope that Fox takes a cue from the recent superhero films (The Dark Knight on one extreme, and Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk on the other) and allows a less corny take on the series. I’d likely be happier with a film even if they took a slightly more adult (yet still comic) tone of a film like Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2.

Goldsman got his start in Hollywood as a screenwriter, and at one point wrote the bad Batman movies (Forever and Batman & Robin). More recently he has made the transition into producer of such films as I Am Legend, Hancock, and the upcoming comic book films Jonah Hex and The Losers.


I wouldn't mind another Die Hard. As far as Fantastic Four, I have no real interest.
Rumor: Fox Aiming to Make ‘Fantastic Four Versus X-Men:wtf:



With 2014 approaching, movie news will continue to be incredibly slow until early January, so we figured we’d write about a massive rumor that is unsubstantiated, but fun to think about and actually quite plausible. It involves Fox’s Marvel properties the X-Men and Fantastic Four.

An investment website is reporting Fox is planning on following in Marvel and Warner Bros.’ footsteps by creating a film based on the 1987 miniseries Fantastic Four vs. X-Men.

The site who reported this is called The Motley Fool, a long-running financial advice site. Thanks to io9 for the heads up. Here’s the exact wording to start:

After multiple movies in their respective franchises, Fox has now decided to combine the Fantastic Four and the X-Men for an “Avengers”-style movie that could pay off huge for shareholders.

Based on a 1987 four issue comic called Fantastic Four vs. X-Men, the movie will see the characters against each other because of secrets regarding the Fantastic Four’s origin. The new movie also comes as Fox is rebooting the Fantastic Four series with new actors and actresses.

Where’d they get this information? Is it true? Who knows. That’s why we’re staying it’s a rumor. But let’s discuss the logistics.

We know Mark Millar was brought in a few years back (or said he was) to oversee a larger Fox universe. Simon Kinberg was then brought in to do something similar, and he hinted at something like this. ”I want to be able to build stories over multiple movies,” he said. We also know there’s a new Fantastic Four movie in 2015 and X-Men movies in 2014 and 2016.

That means by 2016 there could be at least three films building up towards this potential crossover. There’s also the potential Wolverine sequel in there. Make it four. Four films is one short of how many it took Marvel to build to The Avengers. And that’s not even counting X-Men: First Class or The Wolverine, which are part of the universe but hypothetically exist before the introduction of this new Fantastic Four. So by the time this film could potentially happen (for arguments sake, let’s say 2018), they’ll have more ground work set than Warner Bros. does for a Justice League movie.

That is, of course, if this rumor is true and these new movies are being made with this crossover in mind. That’s a big “if.”

Anyway, until Fox announces something, take this potential news with a grain of salt. But it would make sense knowing the current superhero landscape and penchant for Hollywood copycatting.

:wtf: Hey NINJAS, what are your thoughts on this "RUMOR"?! More MARVEL the better :thumbs: Throw Spider-Man in the mix and that would be kick ass! :LOL:


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