All Week [ENDED] David's Giveaway series #44 - 9x HMV steels to be won!

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Naughtius Maximus

Premium Supporter
Oct 30, 2011
Hello members, and thanks for reading about my giveaway!

HOST / Donated by:
Naughtius Maximus

Ninja week: Feb 22 - Feb 28

All registered members, regardless of post count


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How do i win this?!

Q: What's the challenge?
A: State which film(s) you'd like to win and Which of these films would you have liked to have acted in and why?!

CONTEST TERMS and other Info:
One post/entry per person. You may request all films if you wish. The winner is responsible for paying for his/her own shipping. I will contact winner(s) with info.

MULTIPLE WINS? No problem, I will combine all your winnings into one package at a combined shipping cost.

Good luck everyone!

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Thank you for the giveaway, David!
I would love to win 2012 and X-Men.
Would love to be in X-Men to be a cool mutant and meet the other cool mutants! :cool:
I'd like to win X-men DotFP.
Would be great to act in X-men or Kick-ass. It's cool to be a superhero on the screen.
Thanks for the giveaway!
id like to win Fury or X men.

would love to have acted in X-Men to pretend to have awesome mutating powers would be fun
I'd like Kickass, Green Hornet, and Fury

I would have liked to act in X-men, seeing me with super powers would be great.

Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway!!

I would love to have
1. X-Men
2. Birdman

Gotta be part of the X-Men.. Who wouldn't want to save the world n s**t :rofl:
I would like to win 2012, fury, and green hornet

I would have liked to be in green hornet, just to get high with seth!
Would love Fury, Nightcrawler or Birdman. If have loved to have been in Fury. Massive Brad Pitt fan.

Thanks for the great giveaway!
Kick-Ass 2 and Green Hornet

I'd like to be Kick Ass so I can make out with Hit Girl.
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Thanks for the giveaway.

I would like to win Nightcrawler. I would have liked to have been part of Birdman for Emma Stone. :)
Thanks for the giveaway. I'd like Birdman and I would love to have acted in Birdman to get to be near the beautiful Naomi Watts!
Thanks for the giveaway.

-Would like to win Prince of Persia, 2012, Green Hornet, Fury, or Nightcrawler
-Would have liked to act in Kick Ass 2- I mean who doesn't want to get dressed up in a costume and run around and kick ass
Fury, Kick-Ass 2, 2012 or Days of the Future Past! :)

Birdman, just because it's one of the best films I've ever seen. Would have been an honor.

Thanks for the giveaway David!
Thanks for the Giveaway!!

I would like to win either Birdman, fury or Kick ass 2

I think it would have to be X-men, would be great to act along side Patrick Stewart, Ian Mckellen and Hugh Jackman
Thanks Naughtius Maximus
X-Men and Birdman are my faves...
I am a mutant anyway so no need for any method acting!!!
Thanks for the giveaway, would love to win Birdman as i dont own it and i would have liked to play the lead so that i could try all the scenarios he was experiencing...seems very vivid
Thanks for the give-away
I'd like to win Birdman, X-Men, Fury.

Would love to have acted in Birdman, the cinematography was breathtaking.
Thank you for the giveaway

I would like to win X-Men & Kick Ass 2.It would be cool to be in X-Men to meet all the great actors especially Michael Fassbender.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Id love to win Kick Ass 2 and The Green Hornet.
If I had the chance to act in any it would be fury because I love war settings and being able to be apart of the scenes for it would be amazing
Thanks for the giveaway.

I would like to win Fury/ Kick-Ass 2/ Green Hornet

I would love to play in X-men, a new villain :naughty::smuggrin::D
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