Fairwell ibook

ugh. ******* just backed out and now i have a new snow leopard sitting on my desk with no use.

so pissed :angry:
why didn't you idiots make me upgrade to a macbook a long time ago. its a HUGE step up from the ibook!
Horhay maybe you can help, my macbook pro is very slow when loading websites. Sometimes I have to reset 2 or 3 times to load a page. Do you think it could be a security setting or a browser issue or what?
I know its not my internet cause I have another laptop a Vaio and it works instantly.
It could be that it's a mac :p

Just kidding. You running wireless? Have you set up a dedicated static IP? Do you use an extra firewall either software/hardware? Does your ISP run you through a proxy? What browser are you using? Any add-ons lately? Are you using both laptops at the same time?

soo many questions.
If it's Safari there's your problem :p lol I am not an expert on Mac I possibly know just as much as you do Zeus. Try deleting your cache maybe? delete all your cookies.
It is Safari,I will try that and if it doesnt work Ill take it to the Apple store,well thanks anyway guys I thought maybe you were using a macbook at work or something.
I have a MacBook Pro. Had I known you were having issues I would have told you a while ago to get one! :) I still need Snow Leopard. I'm on plain, old, regular leopard.