Favorite Golf Movie?


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
On blu ... or that your anxiously awaiting its blu arrival! :)

I like...

The Legend of Bagger Vance
The Greatest Game Ever Played.
I'll take Bagger Vance as my favorite. Can't believe it's not on blu yet.

But, I'll also take Happy Gilmore and The greatest game ever played. Both good movies.
I can't help it... Golf is the most boring sport I've ever participated in, watched, and listened to...

I still would get a bucket of golfballs and hit them into oblivion, but really, that's the only fun part.

Also, Happy Gilmore

You guys need to get out and give it another try then. Golf is alot of fun.

Maybe try this next time.....Get like 8 buddies to go. Get 4 carts so two of you have one. Grab your 6-packs of beer, and go out and own the course. We have a lot of fun golfing cuz it gives us all a chance to hang out, talk, goof off in the carts and have a good time. It is getting expensive though, so it's not a sport for people with no money.
I havent played golf in a while, but plan to start back up ... it'll help me for the politics of my career :p I also just got done with making a site for a local golf course I was hired to do.