Final Fantasy XIII and Versus Megathread

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA
Final Fantasy XIII is an upcoming console role-playing game being developed by Square Enix. It will be released exclusive for PlayStation 3 in Japan, then for PlayStation 3 worldwide in Europe and North America. First appearing at the 2006 E3, the game features a futuristic, high-tech world.

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Final Fantasy XIII is the flagship title of the Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII collection. The game shares a common mythology with Final Fantasy Agito XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII, but they are not directly related to each other. Motomu Toriyama, a director and scenario writer of previous Final Fantasy titles, will direct and write the game's story.

The concept for Final Fantasy XIII's battle system is to maintain the strategic nature of command-based battles. The system stemmed from a desire to create battles similar to those found in Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. Like those in Final Fantasy XII, battle sequences are integrated into the world environment. The Active Time Battle (ATB) system will return, but is expected to work differently from its predecessors.


The battle system that was shown during the E3 2006 trailer was only a prototype. Recently, Square Enix showed battle footage in various Japanese magazines and trailers which introduced a new interface. You can only control one character at a time in battle, although battle parties of up to three characters have been shown. You can stack up to three commands per turn and release them all at the same time to form a combo. These commands include series staples such as Attack, Fire, Blizzard and Cure, as well as new ones such as Launch, which sends the enemy up in the air. The game does not make use of MP but introduces "cost points" for each command. Cost points determine how many times the commands can be used per turn. The overclock gauge from the prototype battle system is replaced with a break bar. The minimap shown earlier has also disappeared from the battle interface. The player is able to view the HP and name of the enemy before engaging it in battle. When the player engages an enemy, the camera moves to another position and the battle menu appears, making the battle transitions nearly seamless.

The classic summoned creatures will return in Final Fantasy XIII. Carbuncle emerges from a disc-like object when it is touched by the character Vanille, Ifrit and Siren also appear doing performances in a trailer. Shiva will return and takes the form of a pair of sisters who can merge into a motorcycle, which the character Snow rides, and can use ice to create a path to drive on.

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Final Fantasy XIII dated for Japan

Square Enix has pencilled in Final Fantasy XIII for release in Japanese territories on December 17, 2009.

Apparently, the release date was scheduled to be unveiled at an event in Tokyo tomorrow. It’s worth noting that Xbox 360 owners won’t be getting the game in Japan, with Square’s release date announcement pertaining to the PlayStation 3 version of the hotly anticipated RPG.

Final Fantasy XIII is due out in North America and Europe in Spring 2010.
Just confirmed for Spring 2010 release in States, and December 17th for Japan... Technically spring is until June, but I think of anything after may 15th as summer... and I think It will be late may early june.
With a December 17th release date now officially confirmed by Square Enix, Yoshinori Kitase was questioned on the plans for the English language release of Final Fantasy XIII after the Japanese launch.

Despite the Final Fantasy XIII Premiere Party being an event dedicated to the Japanese side of FF13, Mr. Kitase said that the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game would debut simultaneously in the West "in six to eight months."

That's a little longer than we anticipated, especially considering the "Spring 2010" talk and billboards around E3 2008.
Square: Euro FFXIII date coming in 'very near future'

Hot the heels of announcing a Japanese release date for Final Fantasy XIII yesterday, it now appears that Square Enix is aiming to nail down a European date for the console RPG in the not too distant future.

Speaking to the chaps at VG247, a company representative stated, “We plan to announce the PAL release timing of Final Fantasy XIII in the very near future.”

The developer previously confirmed that the game would receive a European launch alongside its North American counterpart around spring 2010, though a solid release date has yet to be revealed. Here’s hoping they don’t keep us waiting too long.

Final Fantasy XIII launches in Japan on December 17.
Final Fantasy XIII gameplay footage overload

The chaps at GamePro have posted a substantial chunk of Final Fantasy XIII gameplay clips fresh from yesterday’s Premier Party event in Tokyo for your consumption.

Seen below, the footage contains heaps of battle action depicting familiar characters such as Lightning and Snow unleashing devastating summon attacks and scrapping with armed goons. Bare in mind that the footage was captured off-screen, so the quality is somewhat lacking.

Videos Here:
New Character: Serah Farron

Japanese publication V-Jump has got the scoop on the latest female character to join the ever-growing cast of Square's hotly anticipated Final Fantasy XIII -- Serah Farron.

Apparently, wide-eyed beauty Farron is the younger sister of central character Lightning, and is also engaged to fellow male compatriot, Snow. Now much else is known about Farron at this point, though you can check out the first images of her in action below.

Final Fantasy XIII is due out in Japan on December 17, with a western release scheduled for spring 2010.


Heaps of new FFXIII character info detailed in Famitsu

The latest issue of Japan’s Famitsu magazine has published a boatload of juicy character tidbits on Square’s hotly anticipated Final Fantasy XIII for your consumption.

The publication details primarily on new girl Serah Farron, who is Lightning’s younger sibling and fiancée to another major character, Snow.

While unable to dive in to greater detail on the design process behind Farron, FFXIII’s lead character designer, Tetsuya Nomura, revealed that the team wanted to match her silhouette to that of Lightning’s, and thus the decision was made to give Farron a ‘wavy’ hairstyle.

Touching on the character of Hope, Nomura commented that the game’s director, Motomu Toriyama, had a hand in making the character a blonde after initially suggesting the main protagonist would sport that colour hairstyle. Apparently, the team thought that Hope would be better suited as a blonde out of all party members, so Lightning ultimately sported a pink/blonde combo.

Shifting the spotlight back to Serah Farron, Toriyama and producer Yoshinori Kitase let slip that the wide-eyed beauty was the first Pulse l'Cie in Cocoon, which later lead to a series of incidents taking place, though the due wouldn’t go into any further details on the matter. They did reveal, however, that Farron gets on particularly well with Vanille; mainly due to the fact they are around the same age. Toriyama-san also spoke a little on the recent Premiere Party trailer for the game, saying that the fireworks display at the beginning takes place in Serah's home town, where Snow and the rest of the Nora rabble lay low and manage a beach house when they're not scrapping with the government.

Elsewhere, the pair moved on to discuss various gameplay elements, specifically some of the weapons that the characters can wield in battle. Vanille sports a fishing rod for example, while Snow, bizarrely, can utilize his Nora-manufactured coat by equipping it with various patches, endowing it with special powers.

Finally, it was also confirmed that FFXIII boasts wind parameters that will directly effect the game’s environment, including, rather humorously, Sazh’s immense afro. Final Fantasy XIII is due out in Japan on December 17, with a western release schedule for spring 2010. Stay tuned for further info on the game as it breaks.
[chris farley from the SNL japanese game show skit]


thats all i could think of when i watched that trailer, haha
Square hopes to sell over six million copies of FFXIII

Square Enix has said the developer is targeting global sales of Final Fantasy XIII at over six million units, boasted company CEO and president, Yoichi Wada.

The executive hopes that the mammoth JRPG outing will trump worldwide shipments of Square’s highly successful Dragon Quest IX, which hit Nintendo DS in Japan back in July of this year.

Final Fantasy XIII will be winging its way to Japanese PS3’s in December, with a western conversion shipping in spring 2010.
FFXIII info burst

Heaps of fresh info on Square’s hotly anticipated Final Fantasy XIII has surfaced within the pages of the latest issue of Japan’s Famitsu magazine.

Among the crop of juicy details divulged by fellow FFXIII team members Tetsuya Nomura and Motomu Toriyama includes confirmation that the PlayStation 3 version of the mammoth RPG won’t require installation, as well as news that the game will indeed support Trophies.

Furthermore, Toriyama also touched on the game’s load times, stating that the only time you’ll experience such events is when the action hops location from town to field. Apparently, the technical boffins on the FFXIII team specifically tackled the issue of loading times early on to ensure the action runs as smoothly as possible.

Elsewhere, Nomura-san turned his attention to FFXIII’s ever-expanding character roster, specifically new girl Oerba Yu Fang. Apparently, this sultry black-haired sort was originally conceived as a male character before the team ultimately switched the role to a female instead. In the process, Fang was sexed up at the expense of Lightning’s image in order to differentiate the two.

Nomura then discussed the character of Sazh, revealing that early concepts had him sporting an outlandish hat – that is, despite already having a gigantic Afro on his noggin, which also happens to house a baby Chocobo. Finally, Toriyama briefly hinted at a returning Final Fantasy hero who will play a major role in the events of FFXIII, which all but confirms the appearance of the ubiquitous Cid character who has showed up in previous iterations of the franchise.

Final Fantasy XIII is due out on PS3 in Japan on December 17, with a western release scheduled for spring 2010.
Final Fantasy XIII Destined To Hit North America In Q1 2010?

Right now, GameStop lists Final Fantasy XIII with a tentative June 21 launch date for North America. And after Square-Enix confirmed the December 17 Japanese release date, the US date seemed perfectly realistic.

But all signs are pointing to an earlier release right now. First of all, when asked about a Western release minutes after the Japanese announcement, Square-Enix replied that if things go very well, FFXIII might just launch in the Western territories earlier than expected. Then, we heard about a big press event in Japan to celebrate the impending release of the game (this event is set for the middle of this month), and the rumor is that we'll get a US launch date at that time. The other part of that rumor says we just might get the most anticipated RPG of the generation as early as February or March, which is definitely exciting. Finally, the third piece of this puzzle slides into place as Square-Enix CEO Yoichi Wada has said "everything is going smoothly" in regards to the localization process. He concluded by saying the title may hit US shelves before the company's fiscal year is over, and for all the uninitiated out there, the end of the fiscal year is March 31, 2010. If you add all this up, it almost seems as if GameStop's date is actually a few months late.

Of course, if it does release early, it would do battle with God of War III and Gran Turismo 5, which might be too much for us to handle.
Square says US and European launch of FFXIII is 'going very steadily'

Yoichi Wada, the global president of Square Enix, believes the US and European launch of Final Fantasy XIII is “going very steadily.” Speaking with, Wada said the development process for FFXIII has been the biggest undertaking in Square’s history, but the US and European versions are in the last stages of development.

“We've completed the master of the Japanese version, and for the US and European versions we're just adding the final touches," he said. "The last stage of development has gone very smoothly this time.

"It took us a tremendous amount of time to develop the software for this generation, so that's a lesson for the creators."

Speaking about the release of the PlayStation 3 Slim, he said the best scenario would have been for just one console worldwide, but since there are multiple popular platforms, the hope is for a long hardware cycle.

"The ideal situation for developers would be to have a single platform worldwide - but that's impossible, so with multi-platform, if you can expand your user base, I think we have to accept that reality."