Flight Risk - In theaters October 18, 2024


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Dec 28, 2012
0.00 star(s) Rating: 0.00/5 0 Votes
Title: Flight Risk

Genre: Thriller

Director: Mel Gibson

Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Topher Grace, Michelle Dockery

Plot: An air marshal escorting a captured fugitive across the Alaskan wilderness in a small plane finds herself trapped when she comes to suspect their pilot is not who he says he is.
Trailer Spoilers:

Man... I was ALL IN until I saw that horrible bald wig. haha. WHY!?

Great to see Wahlberg to a villain role again! Was the last time Fear? I don't think I can think of another time?
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Reactions: Lenny Nero
2 and a half hours in one small plane is either going to be genius, or utter boring trash, there's no middle ground.
Trailer basically spoils all in 2 and a half minutes, so better not watch it.
The very obvious bald cap though :LOL:

Also just noticed they edited in a girl's scream over Topher Grace at the 1:42 mark :rofl:
Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database