Forrest Gump (4K+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (FilmArena Collection #139) [Czech Republic]


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Oct 22, 2011
Czech Republic
Release date: September 9, 2020 (TBC)
Purchase links: Edition 1 - Edition 2 - Edition 3 - Edition 4
Price: CZK 1599 (E1) - 1199 (E2) - 1299 (E3) - 4999 (E4 Box)
Group buy: E1 - E2 - E3 - E4 Box

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I can enjoy this film for what it is, light entertainment but how on Earth this could beat Pulp Fuction and Shawshank explains everything that I hate about the Oscars.
After that shambles of an award ceremony I stopped paying attention to anything with an Oscar stamp on it.

As for the steel itself, picked the UK one up for my wife for only £5 and I still felt ripped off as it was only the One disc edition :(
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Will the film arena steelbook be 2 discs

The UK steelbook was 1 disc only

I already have the diamond neo case release that is very nice looking and that was 2 discs

I will be getting the film arena steelbook as well as I'm sure it will have nice full Slip etc

Going by the releases so far (Dredd is 2 discs, Terminator Genisys was 3 discs etc) I'd say it's safe to say that this will be the 2 disc release also
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Although I'm not a fan of the movie, I'm interested in seeing what FA does with this.

@Mickle_89 The reason you didn't get an alert, was because he edited his post and added the tags afterwards, that doesn't trigger alerts/notifications.
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I can enjoy this film for what it is, light entertainment but how on Earth this could beat Pulp Fuction and Shawshank explains everything that I hate about the Oscars.
After that shambles of an award ceremony I stopped paying attention to anything with an Oscar stamp on it.

As for the steel itself, picked the UK one up for my wife for only £5 and I still felt ripped off as it was only the One disc edition :(

Quite agree - the oscars are a farce of the first order, and I never take any notice of them. But it isn't a new thing. It dates back to at least 1940 when Gone With The Wind got best picture over Citizen Kane.

As for Forrest Gump. Certainly, it was intended, one hopes, as light entertainment, but the trite, schmaltzy hokum which passes for a script marks it for passing over every time.
Don't get me wrong, there are worse films. MUCH worse!!

@psychoscot - We obviously see this completely differently. But frankly, the way you describe the original House of Cards makes me think you watched something else - or favour the US product as a matter of course.
But it is of little moment and we'll agree to disagree.
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This one is a matter of life experience .

It seems to me those of who are grounded and leave little to chance find this movie of little intrest and a nuceance .

For those of us who have had fate and chance cross our paths taking our lifes in a totaly unexpected direction . Forrest Gump Is nothing more than heartwarming and uplifting . Life very seldom has instructions on what is exactly laid out for us .

Diffrent points of view are fantastic things . Thire are movies others love I can not see anything to rave about .

I only have the V.H.S for me it comes as a VERY VERY WELCOME addition to be reciving the full belts braces , fireworks and 21 gun salute package .

Simple IF you dont like it do what I do . Don't buy it :) .

Edit I put the 21 the right way round .
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This one is a matter of life experience .

It seems to me those of who are grounded and leave little to chance find this movie of little intrest and a nuceance .

For those of us who have had fate and chance cross our paths taking our lifes in a totaly unexpected direction . Forrest Gump Is nothing more than heartwarming and uplifting . Life very seldom has instructions on what is exactly laid out for us .

Diffrent points of view are fantastic things . Thire are movies others love I can not see anything to rave about .

I only have the V.H.S for me it comes as a VERY VERY WELCOME addition to be reciving the full belts braces , fireworks and 21 gun salute package .

Simple IF you dont like it do what I do . Don't buy it :) .

Edit I put the 21 the right way round .

I can see where you're coming from Ann; but I cannot possibly agree on your final outcome.

Any film which promotes, nay celebrates stupidity as a positive attribute and slanders so vigorously the peace, youth and equality movements of decades past is most definitley NOT "heartwarming and uplifting", and is even less an "entertainment" Unless your idea of entertainment is castrating the hope of intelligent sentient beings, and kicking progress, peace and love in the teeth . . . .
You and millions of others have simply been conned into believing that by this hollow pseudo-sentimental tosh.

Here is the best, and most accurate review I have ever come across:
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I can see where you're coming from Ann; but I cannot possibly agree on your final outcome.

Any film which promotes, nay celebrates stupidity as a positive attribute and slanders so vigorously the peace, youth and equality movements of decades past is most definitley NOT "heartwarming and uplifting", and is even less an "entertainment" Unless your idea of entertainment is castrating the hope of intelligent sentient beings, and kicking progress, peace and love in the teeth . . . .
You and millions of others have simply been conned into believing that by this hollow pseudo-sentimental tosh.

Here is the best, and most accurate review I have ever come across:View attachment 236608 View attachment 236609 View attachment 236610 View attachment 236611 View attachment 236612 View attachment 236613 View attachment 236614 View attachment 236615

Quite frankly can not be backsided to read that pile of cut and pasted in bold to make me understand or get the point accross better .

YOU miss the point flower why ME and Millions of others how you put it

"You and millions of others have simply been conned into believing that by this hollow pseudo-sentimental tosh."

Have been told time after time from family , to teachers friends peers workmates WE will never be anything . Never do anything as some form of restriction weather it be genentic , fate , Luck , disability mental or phisical will stop us .

I'm lucky my case Dyslexia . I hold Forrest Gump close as in some ways I am him and Bubba and Jenny. A flawed human who dose the best with the hand they have been delt :) .
Quite frankly can not be backsided to read that pile of cut and pasted in bold to make me understand or get the point accross better .

YOU miss the point flower why ME and Millions of others how you put it

"You and millions of others have simply been conned into believing that by this hollow pseudo-sentimental tosh."

Have been told time after time from family , to teachers friends peers workmates WE will never be anything . Never do anything as some form of restriction weather it be genentic , fate , Luck , disability mental or phisical will stop us .

I'm lucky my case Dyslexia . I hold Forrest Gump close as in some ways I am him and Bubba and Jenny. A flawed human who dose the best with the hand they have been delt :) .

Ah well Ann, I was NEVER told anything like that.

I've always had support right across the board from a very early age. Maybe I have been lucky in that, and many other regards; and thus see things differently.

p.s. The review is only cut and pasted as I couldn't be botherd in sitting here for thirty minutes transcribing. Still a good review, still worth reading.

And Forrest Gump is STILL a bad film,, and very far from what millions of people believe it is. It is certainly NOT a film abut a man with a low IQ triumphing agianst the odds. There is, as I said previously, a very nasty, not to say disturbing undercurrent whch runs through the entire film.
But most pople don't, or don't want to see it.
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Ah well Ann, I was NEVER told anything like that.

I've always had support right across the board from a very early age. Maybe I have been lucky in that, and many other regards; and thus see things differently.

p.s. The review is only cut and pasted as I couldn't be botherd in sitting here for thirty minutes transcribing. Still a good review, still worth reading.

I will read it tomorrow when I dont need matchsticks .

That is the point for me unless you see that side of life yourself . Or through a loved one you never will see the Draw of the movie :) .
Leave out the insults please... try and consider the fact that there may be other reasons someone isn't great at English.

As for the film... one of my all-time favourites! Hanks (a favourite actor) and Zemeckis (a favourite director)... you can't go wrong IMO. :D
Oh damn, Forrest Gump FAC? Count me in! Happily surprised, if the release date holds Christmas should be even more excellent this year. :D
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