Generation Kill HBO Mini Series Blu-ray


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
This is much like Band Of Brothers only Modern ... So far I'm about to start the 3rd Episode (1hr each?) I'm really diggin' it, nice character development.

Band of Brothers = COD W@W
Generation Kill = COD4 Modern Warfare

What yall thinking of it so far Splax and King James? Had anytime to watch any?
yeah im on the third episode. Im liking it better than the first time. its such a great miniseries and everyone should watch it.
"The war is really just all about p*ssy" "they got no p*ssy over here" ... "If they had p*ssy, they'd be happy haji's who just busted a nut and not willing to fight"
haha what a great series. there are a lot of good quotes. i love Sgt. Maj. Sixta when he starts yelling about mustaches
Well I finished mine! Pretty good, overall I still give Band Of Brothers the nod tho ... but this one is a great representation of what really went on over there. Ofcourse I woulda added a couple more things in but I dont want to say till you guys are done watching yours...
lol now that im done with it.... im with you, I think he is hilarious ...however when watching I was with teh otehr guys and hated him and his stupid decisions.