Germany - New Paramount wave of 9 SteelBooks-See separate threads

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Well at least the art on Transformers is better than on the first release. Like the art too to Star Trek. Quite why we need another The Last Airbender or Saving Private Ryan is beyond me and boring.

Having said that might double dip for Forrest Gump. Will leave Stardust (my HD DVD will suffice) but Top Gun might get a look in though.
Yeah, damn you :shoot:
I think that it's decreasing the interest of collecting Steelbooks.

you are right mams, so glad im out of the steelbook game, becoming a bore fest.:twisted:

Your comments are on target guys - we passed ridiculous a couple of exits ago. :(

The days of anyone paying $100 for the Transformers: ROTF Future Shop steelbook are soon gone...
I suppose like the previous Paramount releases, the Steelbooks will have no inside artwork and the infos will be printed on the back...:(
Meh, I prefer the original releases of Transformers 2 from Canada and the original Star Trek. I do like that Transformers artwork though.

These re-releases are killing the interest though...
I love Forrest Gump-I may get that one. Other than that, probably a pass-too much regurgitation of covers and re-releases for my tastes....
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