Germany - New Paramount wave of 9 SteelBooks-See separate threads

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It´s a funny old world where all you steelbook collectors complain because there are too many (re)releases and us poor digibook collectors get a pathetic number of releases each year - why can´t the studios get their act together and achieve the right balance between steelbooks, digibooks and special editions?
Pmartin-because they know the collector community is segmented. Some couldn't care less about any special packaging. Others love one or the other. So the studios' solution-release them all in 17 different versions, LOL. They LOVE to resell, resell, resell the same core titles over and over....

@Scott-they'll be up soon-if you sign up at those links, you'll be among the first to know:)

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Pmartin-because they know the collector community is segmented. ........ They LOVE to resell, resell, resell the same core titles over and over....


Yes of course that's true, and also I suppose digibooks take more effort on their part - well, to produce a decent one anyway!
The new thread related to home designed steelbook covers show how easy it is (with artistic talent of course) to produce a stunning looking case.
german steelbooks almost always prints the spec on the back cover though...

For catalog releases I wouldn't disagree - but new movie releases in steelbook have gone the clean back route.

It's been mostly two studios - Sony and Warner, but Disney recently got into the act.

Inception, 1st print of Sherlock Holmes, Green Hornet, True Grit, Tron Legacy, etc...
ooh top gun and forest gump for sure.
rather have the uk star trek, and im happy with my transformers already.
not keeon on the foriegn titles, so will probably give the others a miss.
hmm, so you guys mean there is no back cover artwork for these steelbooks? only movie information that print at back cover not the paper art that can be removed as usual?
hmm, so you guys mean there is no back cover artwork for these steelbooks? only movie information that print at back cover not the paper art that can be removed as usual?

Here's an example of what Paramount did with their last wave of steelbooks. All the other ones in that wave were similar to this War of the Worlds one. No inside art, and the back contained printed movie details with some pictures.

Hope that helps.


wew, thanks apsmith21 that make me sure to pass this wave, save my wallet for now :)
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