[GIVEAWAY OVER - WINNER CHOSEN] #TheLaw's Case Files - Case 2


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Dec 28, 2012
Ninjas, you are hereby summoned to participate in the following giveaway.


WINNER: @harry

DURATION: 1 week from June 21 - 2016 A.D.

ELIGIBILITY: All registered members, regardless of post count



1- Who's your favorite DC superhero?

2- Tag a friend

TERMS: One post/entry per person. The winner is responsible for paying for his/her own shipping.

You are now eligible to comply.

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Awesome giveaway :woot: Thank you @Apollon :thumbs: The statue looks SICK. Never saw it before. Need to google now :wow:

I'm a DC head. DC >>> Marvel all day everyday. Easy. :rolleyes:

Batman is forever the greatest super hero ever created. Theres not even room for discussion about this. Case closed.

To make it not so boring. I'll add a second place, Superman :p Damn, okay a third one:

The Green Lantern :drool::drool::drool:
In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil’s might, beware my power… Green Lantern’s light!

@hal9000b get in here :watch:
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Favorite DC Hero is the Batman. As a child, the only thing I ever wanted for Christmas was a Batman Unitily Belt. Alas, I never got it, and it was haunted me my entire life. My friends all know the story. I actually got a Coffee Cup from a coworker with an image of the Utility Best on it! And I love Batman so much that I created Justice League of Fantasy Football just so I could be Batman!

To the Batpoles!!!!

Thanks for the killer giveaway!!

Hey @Ricker check it out bro!
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