I Am Legend Premium Collection empty Blu-ray Slip Cover Give-away!- Winner: snowblood

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Premium Supporter
Oct 22, 2011
Czech Republic
Hey all fellow collectors!

I happend to have a spare empty Blu-ray Slip Cover I Am Legend Premium Collection so I would like to do another give-away.


All you have to do to be eligible to win is post answer to the following question:

What is your favourite Will Smith movie?

Winner will be randomly drawn on 31st of March 2012

Enjoy! :ninja:
Hey all fellow collectors!

I happend to have a spare empty Blu-ray Slip Cover I Am Legend Premium Collection so I would like to do another give-away.


All you have to do to be eligible to win is post answer to the following question:

What is your favourite Will Smith movie?

Winner will be randomly drawn on 31st of March 2012

Enjoy! :ninja:
ID4 (Independence Day)

TLK :cool:
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That's hard .... I like SO many.

Legend of Bagger Vance, Pursuit of Happyness , Enemy of the state, ID4
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