Ice Cream! What's your Favorite? :)


Ltd. Ed./Birthdays/Video Game Mod
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May 18, 2013

Hello NINJAS! :cool: I had to create this thread because I just found my favorite Ice Cream! :woot: :hungry:

Hot Chocolate con Churros!!! :drool:

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After this exhausting day, beer would of been more appropriate to drown myself in! :banghead:
But I couldn't say NO to my Churro Ice Cream! :woot: :drool: :hungry: F**K YEAH! :cool:
CHURRO Ice Cream!.jpg

@Ask Yo Ice Cream Ninja Bro, have you tried this before? :thumbs:
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@bloodsnake007 I haven't! But I'm about to go on the hunt for some this weekend I think!! :hungry::hungry::hungry:
(except didn't Blue Bunny recall all of their products in April? :wow: Be safe!! :p)

Since I've finally been introduced to this awesome thread by my friend Franky, I feel it's my responsibility to the ice cream-loving community to let you all know about a place in Los Angeles that sells CHURRO ICE CREAM SANDWICHES! If you're local or visiting, it's just a little ways north of downtown. The shop is called Churro Borough, and I highly highly recommend it!
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@bloodsnake007 I haven't! But I'm about to go on the hunt for some this weekend I think!! :hungry::hungry::hungry:
(except didn't Blue Bunny recall all of their products in April? :wow: Be safe!! :p)

Since I've finally been introduced to this awesome thread by my friend Franky, I feel it's my responsibility to the ice cream-loving community to let you all know about a place in Los Angeles that sells CHURRO ICE CREAM SANDWICHES! If you're local or visiting, it's just a little ways north of downtown. The shop is called Churro Borough, and I highly highly recommend it!
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@Ask Blue Bunny recall?! :OMG: :ohno: :dead: Oh well... if I dont log in tomorrow, know that I'm in a HAPPIER place! :woot: :D

Yes my friend, it's your responsibility to share this amazing Churro treasure! :drool: :hungry: And thank you for doing so! ;) After that treat, I dont think my Blue Bunny recommendation can top the Churro Borough Sandwich! ;) I definitely need to visit California and try it! :hungry: I plan on taking a vacation this July for my Birthday, this place is on the list! :thumbs:

Thanks again my EPIC Jalapeño Grilling/Ice Cream loving Ninja Bro! :woot: You FU**ING ROCK!!! :cool: :notworthy:
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Hello @Ask! :woot: nice to see you here again my friend! :D So you had some last night? :naughty: How was it!? :hungry:

Good to see you too my friend! Haven't been as active on the boards as I would like because I've been traveling. BUT I still have time for ice cream!!

Both ice creams were awesome. I think the "Chocolate Therapy" label is definitely accurate!!
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Good to see you too my friend! Haven't been as active on the boards as I would like because I've been traveling. BUT I still have time for ice cream!!

Both ice creams were awesome. I think the "Chocolate Therapy" label is definitely accurate!!
@Ask Traveling? AWESOME! :woot: Enjoy your new discoveries my friend! :photo: :)

And I agree, one must always make time for ice cream! :hungry: :thumbs:

@Flash Tablet ice cream? What is that? You've got me interested ;)

Hey Franky, I honestly don't know if you have tablet in the US. It is a traditional Scottish sweet. It's amazing and if you want super sweet indugance I've been to this ice cream parlour that serves tablet ice cream, the ice cream is kinda toffee like and then also has pieces of the tablet within it. It is a ridiculous sugar rush.
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Hey Franky, I honestly don't know if you have tablet in the US. It is a traditional Scottish sweet. It's amazing and if you want super sweet indugance I've been to this ice cream parlour that serves tablet ice cream, the ice cream is kinda toffee like and then also has pieces of the tablet within it. It is a ridiculous sugar rush.
That sounds delicious! :drool: WOW! :hungry:
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