John Cena : "The Actor"


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
So yeh he used to be a wrestler, Infact I think he still does wrestle ...

anyways, anyone else think he is straight bogus as an actor?

They got that new movie us his coming out and the previews make it seem all serious of it being some crunk movie with director of Die hard and such ...

They're trying to make him like the new Bruce Willis and he just cant act for sh!t ... no emotions ... sure he's got "Serious" down pat ... *mean mug* ... but no frickin emotion... this jabroni needs to go somewhere ... He's no ROCK!
Cant remember the name of his last movie, but I watched it. The special effects in the movie were kick ass, but it too was just kinda lame, I figured that would be the end of his acting career, but no.
I think it was Die Hard 2, which was the worst one of the 4.

It'll make some money because of the wrestling fans. I tried watching WWE a little bit ago, it's just not the same as I remember. Even the females aren't as sexy as Trish, Stacy, and Lita from back in the day. I miss those bra and panty matches.
John Cena is crap lets be honest. The only one who can act is The Rock. Steve Austin gave it a try and he was good in The Condemned. Anyone remmeber Triple H in Blade 3 that was funny.

Kingjames i agree wrestling is crap now. Not like back in the day. I aint watched it since The Rock left it just got boring.
Actually, the best wrestling actor I've found is Kevin Nash. He was great as the russian in Punisher, never really said a word, but the facial epressions were great, and he pretty much stole the movie in The Longest Yard remake.
Cant remember the name of his last movie, but I watched it. The special effects in the movie were kick ass, but it too was just kinda lame, I figured that would be the end of his acting career, but no.

I think his last movie was called The Marine. I started watching it on one of the channels like HBO or Showtime or something. It sucked. I could only stand like 10 minutes of the movie and then turned the channel.

They need to stop putting crappy actors into movies. Also need to stop putting wrestlers, music artists, etc into movies. They really ruin alot of movies.
Actually, the best wrestling actor I've found is Kevin Nash. He was great as the russian in Punisher, never really said a word, but the facial epressions were great, and he pretty much stole the movie in The Longest Yard remake.

Kevin Nash goes hard.
I think his last movie was called The Marine. I started watching it on one of the channels like HBO or Showtime or something. It sucked. I could only stand like 10 minutes of the movie and then turned the channel.

They need to stop putting crappy actors into movies. Also need to stop putting wrestlers, music artists, etc into movies. They really ruin alot of movies.

alot of the rappers do surprisingly good tho, I think its because most of what they do on stage and rap about is acting all in itself ha. ... however sometimes right when I think "Hey, he's a pretty good actor" then he's in some other movie and stinks it up.