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I recently platinumed Uncharted 3, hoping to start Assassin's Creed 2 next as I picked up all 3 of the recent releases in the series during the holidays. I really got to start completing off all my backlogged PS3 titles before the PS4 comes out. I doubt it will happen though... *looks at his stack of PS2 titles left in the corner of neglect after the PS3 was purchased*. :emb:
Resistance 3. It was actually pretty good.
Started R3 yesterday. I keep trying to play Rayman Origins, but it only holds my interest for a few hours at a time. Thank god it's one of those games you can put down for a bit, and not forget how to play, or what you were doing.
I bought Uncharted 2 steelbook recently. Just beat UC2 and UC3 with the kid as of recent.

thinking about finally cracking up this Batman Arham Asylum
The last game I picked up was Modern Warfare 3 back in november, and I still haven't started the campaign. I should be receiving Portal 2 in the next few days, so I'm pretty excited to finally get to play it :)
Finished Resistance 3, starting Just Cause 2, which i've had sitting here unopened since black friday of 2010. Pretty cool so far, it reminds me alot of Mercenaries 2
Got Portal 2 today. This game is beyond words. I was a huge fan of the first one, and it was basically a mini-game. This one is just insane. I'm around 3-hours in and it's one of the best games I ever played.