Missing member

Has any one heard from @Flash

Not seen her around the forums for a long time ..............
I know she was having a bit of a rough time last year and I was still in touch with her through PMs. I notice she still occasionally stops by the forums, although obviously doesn't post - that's fine, of course... people always come and go for whatever reason. Hopefully she's doing ok though!
I know she was having a bit of a rough time last year and I was still in touch with her through PMs. I notice she still occasionally stops by the forums, although obviously doesn't post - that's fine, of course... people always come and go for whatever reason. Hopefully she's doing ok though!

Yeah I chatted to her a fair bit, but not heard from her for a while, I just wondered if anyone spoke to her outside of here and knew how she was doing.
Yeah I chatted to her a fair bit, but not heard from her for a while, I just wondered if anyone spoke to her outside of here and knew how she was doing.
Well, hopefully she might stop by this thread (if she spots it) to say hey! It would certainly be nice to know how she's doing. :)