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Dec 28, 2012
New Avengers Movie In Development At Marvel, Will Feature Young Heroes

We’ve been told repeatedly that the fourth Avengers movie will mark both the end of the first decade of the franchise and a new beginning for it. One obvious way to do that would be to totally revamp the team’s line-up, and if our intel’s correct, that’s apparently exactly what the studio’s got planned.
Sources close to We Got This Covered have confirmed that a New Avengers movie is in the early stages of development over at Marvel. Despite the title, the line-up being touted for the film is the group known as the Young Avengers in the comics – the next generation of heroes. Specifically, we’ve been informed that the rejuvenated roster will be made up of Kate Bishop’s Hawkeye, Hulkling, Iron Lad, Patriot, Wiccan, Stature and Vision (not Paul Bettany’s version).
The only casting confirmed so far is that Emma Fuhrmann’s playing Stature and, as has been theorized, she’ll be seen as an older Cassie Lang – Ant-Man’s daughter – in Endgame, which will introduce the concept of the new team as we say goodbye to the old one.

via We Got This Covered
Marvel Won’t Do Anymore Big Team-Up Movies Until New Avengers

Now that the superhero dust has settled, and Avengers: Endgame has made us both stand up and cheer one second, and sit down and cry the next, the future of the MCU is the talk of the town. We know the next Avengers-themed Marvel movie to swing into theaters will be Spider-Man: Far From Home. But what of the beloved team-ups and crossovers, like Thor and Hulk in Ragnarok, or the Guardians of the Galaxy?
Well, We Got This Covered has learned from our source that the next big Marvel team-up/crossover movie won’t be until New Avengers. The studio’s still only “rumored” to be making the film, with an alleged date for its release recently leaking as May 6th, 2022, but our intel says it’s definitely happening. Which means in three short years, we could see the likes of Iron Lad, Hulkling, Kate Bishop’s Hawkeye, Patriot, Wiccan, Stature and Vision 2.0 on the big screen.
Now, we should specify that projects like Guardians Vol. 3 are still moving forward. It’s only the big, multi-franchise crossovers that we saw with the Avengers series that the studio will be holding back on. And given that they just wrapped those up with Endgame, that makes perfect sense.

It’s still unclear how exactly Marvel will begin to form the new team and introduce them into the MCU, but the seeds have definitely been planted for the next generation of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. During Tony Stark/Iron Man’s funeral scene at the end of Endgame, for instance, we caught a glimpse of a mysterious teen. As you surely know by now, it turned out to be Ty Simpkins, who played Harley Keener, the boy who befriended Stark in Iron Man 3. He seems to be at the top of many lists to lead the Young Avengers – or New Avengers, if that’s what they’re calling them for the film – but we’ll have to leave those decisions up to Kevin Feige.

via We Got This Covered
I'm not into these kids as superheroes flicks. Maybe because they make me feel old ?! :D

...At Tony Stark’s funeral in Endgame,
Harley Keener (Ty Simpkins) was the mysterious teen who was mourning the loss of his friend and hero, and many believe he will be part of the Young Avengers.
To assemble a new team, fans will most likely get to meet characters like Patriot, Iron Lad, Stature, Wiccan, Vision 2.0, Hulkling, and even Kate Bishop as Hawkeye in future MCU films.

Captain Marvel will lead the New Avengers

Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) finally showed up on the big screen this year with her solo film Captain Marvel, and she also helped defeat Thanos in Endgame. But unlike Iron Man, Steve Rogers’ Captain America, Hulk, Clint Barton’s Hawkeye, Thor, and Black Widow, her time with the Avengers is not coming to an end – it’s just beginning.

“Now Captain Marvel is about to take the lead, and be at the forefront of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe,” said Marvel studio head Kevin Feige in a Captain Marvel behind-the-scenes featurette.

In the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home, Marvel will reportedly establish that the surviving members of the original six are “in their own corners of the universe,” and they will not appear in future Avengers movies. Therefore, the new team will completely belong to Captain Marvel.

Other Marvel projects are moving forward

While the studio holds back on major franchise crossovers until they form the New Avengers in Phase 5, in the meantime the MCU will continue to expand. Thor will no longer be part of the Avengers, but he will still reportedly continue the Thor franchise, and he will most likely be a part of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

Also during Phase 4, the Captain Marvel, Black Panther, and Spider-Man franchises will likely move forward, as well as Doctor Strange. Sam Wilson may appear as the new Captain America after Steve Rogers gave up his shield in Endgame, and there is also Bucky, Ant-Man, and The Wasp, who could continue their storylines, with some of them possibly being a part of the New Avengers.

Marvel hasn’t confirmed these projects, but they have hinted that they are going in this direction.

The Disney/Fox merger could bring X-Men Avengers

Marvel fans know that the Avengers and the X-Men live in the same world in the comic books. But, with Fox owning the rights to X-Men for more than two decades, they have not shown up in the MCU.
However, now that Disney and Fox have merged, the rights to X-Men and the Avengers are all in the same place, and that all but guarantees that the X-Men will become part of the Avengers in the not-so-distant future.

There are so many Marvel characters in the comic books that the possibilities are endless when it comes to the future of the MCU. Luckily, Feige has proven with the first 22 films that he can create incredible storylines and crossovers that fans love, leaving no doubt that Phase 4 and Phase 5 of the MCU will be box office gold.

via Showbiz CheatSheet
"...At Tony Stark’s funeral in Endgame, Harley Keener ..."

A spoiler ? I haven't seen the film ...

@Space Cadet Gonna be blunt: there has been a plethora of posts in the Endgame thread posted by folks without spoiler tags and I didn't see you comment on them not using the said tags. Besides I was updating my post to include a warning. It's unfortunate you read my post before I finished the edit.
@Space Cadet Gonna be blunt: there has been a plethora of posts in the Endgame thread posted by folks without spoiler tags and I didn't see you comment on them not using the said tags. Besides I was updating my post to include a warning. It's unfortunate you read my post before I finished the edit.

Been avoiding them. It's hard job to try to avoid spoilers these days in interwebs ... :thumbs:

Thanks !