Next item your looking at buying whenever you do...


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Receiver ? or Upgrade Receiver?

Tower speakers? (fronts) upgrades?

Rears ?

Center Channel?


TV ?

Another BD player?

accessories ? components? You name it! What is it?
You install the software on your pc and do a search for your devices, then using the remotes from those devices you can learn the RF signal from the buttons. Once everything is in the software you can setup the remote to control all your devices for example is you have a DVD player, XBox, TV, cable receiver & receiver you can set your remote so when you press "Watch TV" it will turn on your cable box, TV & receiver and change to the correct inputs. Of course every TV is different so you have to check the inputs and the way you change your setting to watch TV watch a DVD and so on so you can program your remote to do that cycle for each activity.
Oh ok. I think I'll stick to the regular remote for each thing though. LOL It's not too much trouble for me or nothing. Maybe later when I upgrade my setup I'll buy one just to have it LOL
I am not sure I haven't been keeping track, I always hear my coworker talk about the Pronto programmable remotes he says they are much better but who knows I've never tried it.
Klipsch are better than polk, and then theres one above klipsch, but i can't remember who.

You mean Martin Logan's or B&W?

There's also definitive technology. Many would argue they are too bright, where I'll argue that they are just more accurate. Face the facts that people like boom and klipsch are well regarded because they provide the rumble factor. I'm a definitive tech guy myself and will always promote them over klipsch, but if I'm going high-end I will take Martin Logan's or B&W EASY.

As for my next home theater piece.. I'm looking for a good high-bandwidth 3 channel amplifier.. preferably at least 100 watts per channel so I can take the load off my receiver for my front speakers. Anyone got any leads that are affordable?
You mean Martin Logan's or B&W?

There's also definitive technology. Many would argue they are too bright, where I'll argue that they are just more accurate. Face the facts that people like boom and klipsch are well regarded because they provide the rumble factor. I'm a definitive tech guy myself and will always promote them over klipsch, but if I'm going high-end I will take Martin Logan's or B&W EASY.

As for my next home theater piece.. I'm looking for a good high-bandwidth 3 channel amplifier.. preferably at least 100 watts per channel so I can take the load off my receiver for my front speakers. Anyone got any leads that are affordable?

Just found this today
Hopefully I will be able to afford a new receiver, perhaps a Yamaha or Denon would suffice. Watching Blus without HD audio is killing me.EEK!
Have you heard HD Audio anywhere yet? It's like listening to your movies for the first time .......

yeah it is,i had my blu-rays playing on boring 2ch speakers before till i got my speaker system up

u gotta get your money's worth buying blu-ray when u have a nice receiver that decodes hd sound,its something you paid for.