Ninja Tip - The Do & Don'ts Of The Blu-ray SteelBook™ Forum - A Guide To Posting.

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
Hi folks! We've recently received some feedback from a few new members here (thanks to RiX for mentioning this) about how some of you may be confused about what is OK to post and what is NOT OK to post in the steelbook forum.

NOTE: This list can be updated at any time.

A lot of "steelbook veterans" on this forum have been collecting for many years and sometimes we take it for granted that they are aware of these pitfalls in the discussion forum.

If everyone can take a moment to read these guidelines and do their best to follow them, we'll all have an effective and safe place to discuss our favorite collectible - steelbooks!

Remember, these resources are at your disposal at any time.

OMG the price is high thread

I'm looking for X Steelbook

Availability / Known Value Guide

Damaged item / Venting thread

Here's some things that we expect all members to do (and don't!) in terms of discussion.

OK to post: I just ordered Iron Man! or I hope my Iron Man steelbook arrives OK!

Do NOT post: I just ordered 20x copies of Iron Man! or I have 5x copies of Iron Man for sale! This includes pictures of more than 3x copies as well.

You can open a trade thread if you have items for sale, but do not post the quantity that you may have purchased. If people missed out on a release, they don't want to hear you have numerous copies and they do not have any.


OK to post: You can find this item on e-bay, or at this retailer store (link here).

Do NOT post: Check out my auction on e-bay for this item! (link here).


OK to post: I'm looking for this OOP item, I've been looking for months!

Do NOT post: Does anyone have this OOP item for sale?

In this case, you can use the

I'm looking for X Steelbook

Availability / Known Value Guide

OK to post: Does anyone know what the retail price for this item was? Or - Is this item on sale in the store right now?

Do NOT post: Wow, that member has a really high price on his group buy! Or - Can you believe what he is asking for that on his trade thread!

You can contact a mod if you believe a price is unfair, but remember, you don't have to pay it either - members are allowed to set their own price.


OK to post: (in the Iron Man thread). Wow that Iron Man release is just fantastic. Check out it's embossing.

Do NOT post: (in the Iron man thread) I was at the dentist yesterday, and he told me how much he liked Captain America.

Please try to keep your discussion thread on topic! Captain America comments belong in the Captain America thread and the Iron Man comments belong in Iron Man.

In addition, we have forum threads for EACH release. If you'd like to talk about the UK edition of Captain America, you should visit that thread.

If you'd like to talk about the 3D German edition of Captain America, you should visit that thread.

Each thread title is uniformly named so it should be easy for you to find. A mod may move your posts if we feel it's necessary.


OK to post: Wow, they're really talking about this release on another forum. Guys, what do you think, should we be excited too.

Do NOT post: Did you see what they said on that other forum (off forum link here)?!? Wow, that guy really said how great this release was, but I don't know. I think this guy said it best (off forum link here)!

We ask that you do not post direct links to other forums. It is welcome to give credit to other forums.

For example, I just saw on BD that they said this. Or thanks to so-and-so on BD for this picture, I've reposted it here so you guys can see it.


OK to post: Do you think HMV will improve their packaging? I used to like it when they shipped in those smaller boxes.

Do NOT post: Wow, it really SUCKS that I got this Rampart release so damaged from HMV! I hate HMV so much!

Instead, use the Damaged item / Venting thread


Do NOT post: Wow, member so-and-so is awful! Or member so-and-so, said this or that. I can't believe it!

Member so-and-so should go pound sand!

What you CAN do is to

1) REPORT THE POST! How do you report? Read this helpful thread.

If we find the comment or the post insulting to another member, if it uses offensive language, or threatens another member, that post will be removed.

We ask that all members be courteous, polite and respectful on our forums.

Disputes and arguments are best left via pm and a moderator can help mediate the discussion to hopefully find your common ground.

If it just seems that you can't get along with a member, remember that there is an "ignore list" that you can use so you don't get sucked back in to a conversation.


Do NOT post: Quoted pics in the "Last SteelBook Bought" thread .. if you quote with the pic then put the pic inside a spoiler tag.
[spoiler] [img][/img] [/spoiler]


  • arms folded.jpg
    arms folded.jpg
    16.4 KB · Views: 773,764
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Bump, as reminder, do not post about quantity ordered, including pictures of that quantity that you have ordered.
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Reactions: urbeenjammin
Another bump!
Just to remind you guys that you can use the spoiler tags
[spoiler] & [/spoiler]
when quoting pictures. It makes it a lot easier to scroll through the forums when pictures aren't repeated multiple times.
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Final reminder - does not condone one member attacking another.

You have many avenues at your disposable if you find certain content objectionable.

Put the member on the ignore list. This can be found via your profile & pm inbox, to the left hand side of the page.

Report the post for reviewing by a moderator or staff member.

If you see a moderator online, you can contact them directly, but a response may not be immediate.

Finally, any member found to continually attacking or harassing another member in discussion threads will indeed be given some time off from viewing this forum.

Suspensions, depending on the severity of comments may be anywhere from a couple of days to a week.

Thank you.
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