[NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY] Alien 1-4 (Steelbooks) [WINNER CHOSEN]

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Lone Crusader

The Savage Ninja!
Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
Nov 24, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
On behalf of HDN I present to you a package set. (All German Editions)
  • Alien [DE] - Unsealed/open (Steelbook)
  • Aliens [DE] - Unsealed/open (Steelbook)
  • Alien³ [DE] - Unsealed/open (Steelbook)
  • Alien Resurrection [DE] - Unsealed/open (Steelbook)
Courtesy of AcIDc0r3.

Rules: Answer this question: If you were one of the crew members aboard the Nostromo and aside from what you already know what a Xenomorph is capable of, if another crew member was brought back with an alien organism attached to their face plate on their helmet; would you let them on board even in an attempt to help them considering you know them personally?
Winner: I'll determine the winner by using a random number generator hosted at Random.org.
Shipping: Winner will pay own shipping.

Giveaway to end Saturday, February 28th.

Winner: @Joanie Mason
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I never saw any Alien movies, i might start the video game and will tell you after that :)
I wouldn't let my own mother on board with one of those things on her. I'd try and help from a distance maybe haha
Thanks for the fun giveaway!!
Well, this is tough...but this is where we shuttle in Bob Vila to help build a Space 'Edition' to the existing Station.
Bob will build our Facehugged friend a small addition that can be comfortable without being threatening to rest of the populace.
We can also lay down a 'safety' coating of 'Alien-Be-Gone' on the transitional pathway between the station and the 'Facehugger Chalet'.
Everyone will be happy!
A win-win for comfort and convenience!
Thanks Bob!!:thumbs:
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No way, no infected dude admitted aboard. However if possible, I may board them in a quarantined room for observation purposes.

Thanks for the giveaway ! :D
Ahh...every one is afraid as i can see :LOL::LOL::LOL:
I would let him come on board, but to the quarantine zone.
You know just for study...we have to know what's going on LV-426!
Come on people, where is your curiosity?!!!:rofl::hilarious::p

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