[NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY] The Bourne Collection & Saving Private Ryan (Steelbooks) [WINNER CHOSEN]

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Lone Crusader

The Savage Ninja!
Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
Nov 24, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
On behalf of HDN I present to you a package set. (All German Editions)
  • The Bourne Identity [DE] - Unsealed/open (Steelbook)
  • The Bourne Supremacy [DE] - Unsealed/open (Steelbook)
  • The Bourne Ultimatum [DE] - Unsealed/open (Steelbook)
  • Saving Private Ryan [DE] - Unsealed/open (Steelbook)
Courtesy of AcIDc0r3.

Rules: Answer this question: In the movie Saving Private Ryan put yourself in Capt. Miller's boots; After receiving your orders to find Pvt. Ryan what would you have done differently in your search for him than what transpired in the movie?
Winner: I'll determine the winner by using a random number generator hosted at Random.org.
Shipping: Winner will pay own shipping.

Giveaway to end Saturday, February 28th.

Winner: @Towser
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Probably would have gotten there faster. It took them long enough. Instead of nearly 3 hours long we could have got the movie wrapped up in 90 mins.
Well, hindsight is 20/20, but I would have grabbed Caparzo before he went to pick up the little girl and held him out of sight so that we could proceed with caution. I would have switched Upham with Wade before charging that hill. Maybe Upham would have died, but since Wade was the medic, maybe he could have saved him. I also would have taken the POW with us instead of just sending him back blindfolded. With the extra two men, maybe we could have survived the onslaught at the end longer. Also, if I died, I would not have been killed by the very man I set free. But it's also impossible to hit the reset button and not know what I know about the story, so I can't imagine what I would do if I didn't know what was to come.
Great giveaway, thank you.
I probably wouldn't have been in the army in the first place, flat feet!
I guess they did the best they could in those circumstances!!
People are always gonna die. Its war
The main thing I would have done is had way more troops looking for him supperted by some massive tanks in support!

Thanks for the giveaway!
I would've doubted the need of this order and thus not have ordered my platoon to execute it.. would've been shot or fired or something, but i would not have risked the lifes of my man for this single person.

Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I think I would have done a head count and asked what happened to one of my soldiers who mysteriously disappeared on the march through the french countryside

thank you

In all honestly I would have reported back, that we were unable to find him and that the cost/risk of lifes was to great to try any further. Boring...but logical!
Great giveaway thank you. :)

To be honest, I think I would have shite myself and probably have been done as a deserter with a massive yellow stripe down my back :(

Hey Ron, your the lucky winner. Congratulations! :)

I'll get with you later via PM and get your address and all. :)
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