Official Braveheart Blu-ray Hype/Discussion Thread


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

Technical & Video specs
Blu-ray BD-50 @ 1080p 2.40:1 Aspect Ratio

English Dolby TrueHD Lossless Master Audio 5.1 Surround
French Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround

English SDH

Disc Features

Braveheart: A Look Back
Smithfield: Medieval Killing Fields
Battlefields of the Scottish Rebellion
Interactive Timelines: Production: A comprehensive chronology of the motion picture from conception through theatrical release, from a behind-the-scenes point of view. Historical: Chronological modules feature Scotland’s greatest patriot, along with historical places, figures and events surrounding his life and struggle. Fiction: A comprehensive timeline identifying the chronological events of the film.

What a big announcement right!? Well, I wish I had more specific details to give you but the news I do have is very vague. However the good news is that the wait is not long! Paramount has given word that Braveheart will make its official blu release THIS SUMMER! We’ll be sure to keep you posted as more information comes in.

Man, first day buy for me!
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Pffttt ... ITS FRICKIN BRAVEHEART!! YES SCOTT, BUY IT!! I'll throw 19.99 at it happily ... ofcourse I'll throw 24.99 at it as well, but 19.99 happily! :p
Its Mel Gibson's best movie .. hands down .. anyone who says otherwise is a lying sac of siberian sh!t

Its in my top 5 easy ... it may start out a little slow, and its long, but trust me, crunk ass war movie. It won all sorts of awards.
Its Mel Gibson's best movie .. hands down .. anyone who says otherwise is a lying sac of siberian sh!t

Its in my top 5 easy ... it may start out a little slow, and its long, but trust me, crunk ass war movie. It won all sorts of awards.

Ummmmmmm.... it's not his best movie!:D:D:D:p
Ummmmmmm.... it's not his best movie!:D:D:D:p

Easy for a woman to say, The Patriot , Lethal Weapon 1 better be your next answer but you'll prolly say that flick with the chick from twister where he can read womens minds.
Easy for a woman to say, The Patriot , Lethal Weapon 1 better be your next answer but you'll prolly say that flick with the chick from twister where he can read womens minds.

I'm waiting for the sequal where a women can read men's minds. That would be a movie worth watching if it's realistic. (tried to find the dave Chappelle skit but couldn't)
Lol it's been at least 12 years since the last time I tried watching it so it might had changed since then.

In all honesty, it probably does mean a lot more to those w/ Scottish lineage. But even so, it's still a FANTASTIC movie. Hopefully your "taste" has matured a bit, and you can enjoy it this time around. :D