Pet Sematary (2019) (4K+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Cine-Museum Art #14) [Italy]


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Dec 28, 2012
Release date: TBA
Purchase links: Lenti Full Slip - Combo - (Pre-order in September 28, 2019 - 14:30 Italy Time)
Price: €54.90 (Lenti Full Slip) - €129.90 (Combo)
Note: 2 variants. Lenti Full Slip 300 units - Combo 200 units. Include a 42 page booklet + 6 postcards + Special gift

Per @duckandrun post here: if 4K disc is confirmed for the steelbook release (90% it will be confirmed), they'll offer individual and combo with same numbers for collectors who want to keep a complete
collection for CMA line.

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if 4K disc will be confirmed for steelbook release (90% it will be confirmed), we'll offer individual and combo with same numbers for collectors who want to keep complete collection for CMA line.

for those who do not purchase every CMA line Releases, will we have the Option to Purchase them as a COMBO also ?
Hey @duckandrun preorder for Pet Sematary original movie & remake the same day or different months ?

Hope we won't have too many preorder at the same time. First Man & Bohemian Rhapsody have not even shipped yet.

Thanks :)

Pet Sematary will be made soon in a special CMA edition, here is a summary of the main features of the editions.
The dates of the preorders have yet to be confirmed due to some delays in the assembly of the previous titles (First Man CMA # 08 - Bohemian Rhapsody CMA # 09).

We apologize for the delay, we are working to reduce the inconvenience and always guarantee the best artowrks!

Thanks to all and good weekend!

@duckandrun not many subtitles on the remake, is it because of rights and extra costs of some sort ?

Probably is just to early for final Audio and sub sets. It's very hard to find just 2 languages on 4K UHD discs by universal because usully they produce just 2/3 discs for all countries. More details will be confirmed as soon as possible!
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I'm confused I see 3 different slips for Pet Sematary. Is one of them for the Original Verison (1989) with 300 copies.
Then for Pet Sematary (2019) there are 2 versions, a regualar and a variant just like with CineMusem's Halloween and both have 300 copies each?
All versions have both regular and 4K. Correct or...... not so much?
I'm confused I see 3 different slips for Pet Sematary. Is one of them for the Original Verison (1989) with 300 copies.
Then for Pet Sematary (2019) there are 2 versions, a regualar and a variant just like with CineMusem's Halloween and both have 300 copies each?
All versions have both regular and 4K. Correct or...... not so much?
Only the original has the 4K logo on the guessing the New version is blu-ray only? Edit: Now I see they all have 4K...not sure if they will have Blu-ray...hope so.
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Only the original has the 4K logo on the guessing the New version is blu-ray only? Edit: Now I see they all have 4K...not sure if they will have Blu-ray...hope so.
Me 2, I'm not sure why they would just put a 4K in there, the cost of a regular Blu-ray I'm guessing would only raise the price a couple bucks. I'm getting The older version for sure, if they do the combo pack for the new one like Haloween I'll probably break down and get it
Hi Ninjas,
i'mhappy to see a lot of attention on Pet Sematary collection.
Original and remake will be released with 4K steelbook.
We offer 2 variants for Pet Sematary ramake with same WWA stelbook inside. We created full slip variant because 4K disc wasn't confirmed on itlian steelbook release and we thought to work on this title like we did for Halloween and for Alita. When Unversal confirmed 4K disc we were too much excited and satified for both artworks and it was impossible to delete one of them.
For this reason Pet Sematary remake print run will be 500 units (300 lenticular + 200 Variant Full Slip), it will be possible to buy both as combo and keep same number.

Pet Sematary (1989) CMA#11 is work in progress. Tomorrow printing of lenticular cards will start with IT 1990 and we'll be ready to show live picture soon!

Thanks for your support and advices!
Box for those that buy both releases

PET SEMATARY - Cine-Museum ART One-Click Box Set!!!

We are proud to present you the concept artwork of the first Pet Sematary One-Click Box Set!
The Box will be sold exclusively for those who will buy the Combo version of Pet Sematary Remake (preorder 28 September) and will be limited to 200 copies!

Inside it will be possible to insert:
- Pet Sematary 1989 CMA#11
- Pet Sematary remake Standard Lenticular CMA#14
- Pet Sematary remake Full Slip + Scanavo Case CMA#14
More infos coming soon...
