'Prometheus' - In theaters June 8, 2012

Apr 2, 2009

With all of the announcements of upcoming movies being planned for 3D over the next few years, one would expect that whether or not an upcoming tentpole movie will be in 3D is going to replace the "PG-13 vs. R" question that most filmmakers tend to get. The latest movie that seems to be going that route is Ridley Scott and 20th Century Fox's planned Alien Prequel.

UK sci-fi site Shadow Locked had a chance to talk with art director Roger Christian who worked on Star Wars and Alien, and they asked him about the direction Scott might take with a prequel, the two of them having worked together on the original movie. Besides dropping the fact that it will be shot in 3D, he hinted at a possible trilogy in the franchise's future.

He told them: "Ridley's doing the next Alien in 3D. Ridley told me some of his ideas when we were here in Toronto. He has a very clear understanding of where this should go. They kind of stopped dead one of the greatest horror franchises there's ever been, and it had legs to go on. So I'm hoping he'll revive another three. The world certainly wants it, and the fans want it - everybody."

Christian met with Scott, but hasn't confirmed that he might be involved with the new prequel, reuniting the duo for the first time in over 30 years.
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need less to say that i booked my ticket right away!:scat:
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Thanks Crusty! Is that the trailer that is supposed to be premiered live in the streaming event I posted? (Somewhere I read that was one was to be 2+ min). The one you posted is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
Thanks Crusty! Is that the trailer that is supposed to be premiered live in the streaming event I posted? (Somewhere I read that was one was to be 2+ min). The one you posted is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

Talk at the moment is that its an unofficial release (which is good for us but not so good for them). I would assume that a lot of that footage will be included in the trailer you mentioned which is the official 2 ½ version.

I am going to miss the live stream because of work but as soon as I get home its the first thing I am going to do.
That sucks, Terminator:( At least the trailer will be available very shortly afterwards, I am guessing. I hope to remember to be online at the time of it's premier, today. I am stoked! :scat:
There was a lot of activity regarding Prometheus yesterday. New interviews and videos have been posted so I am going to include them all here.

This New Viral Video from Weyland Industries can be considered a spoiler so please do not watch if you want to go into this movie blind:


A new trailer was also made its debut yesterday:


An IMAX trailer was also released which I posted yesterday but this one is better quality:


Twentieth Century Fox and AMC Theatres hosted a Prometheus Live Chat and Trailer Premiere with Prometheus director Ridley Scott and executive producer and co writer Damon Lindelof here:

Michael Fassbender and Charlize Theron took part in a live chat via the internet via Yahoo:


And last but not least Mr Beaks from Ain't it Cool News held an interview with Sir Ridley Scott And Damon Lindelof. Now before anyone reads this interview SPOILERS LIE AHEAD. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.


If you wish to discuss anything that could be considered a spoiler please use the spoiler tags and be considerate of other members who do not want anything spoiled.

My hype level has just shot through the roof. Some of the imagery in these trailers is truly breath taking. I am so happy that H. R. Giger has been involved in Prometheus. Bring this bad boy on. Gotta go and see this at my nearest Imax.
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This looks F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C. Everything points to 8th June release but penny's dropped searching IMDB that 1st June is release date in UK. First release is Belgium on 30th May.

glad about the release date being brought forward. i'm on holiday in Norfolk for a week starting 8th June EEK!