Steelbook pet peeves


The 'Negative' Ninja
Premium Supporter
Feb 12, 2012
Apologies if there has been a similar thread before, but:

What are those small things you find annoying about Steelbook collecting?

For me, it's unreasonable sale prices. There are so many Steelbooks I want but I refuse to buy because people demand unreasonable prices. I know it's not really a big deal and the right price will come along eventually, but it would be so much better if people didn't ask for stupid prices and then act amazed when they're still sitting there months later (and yet still refuse to drop their prices).
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My pet peeve is the glue used to stick the backer cards on. I hate that stuff!

Also, I hate when backer cards are too big to fit inside the steelbook.. I end up folding them and stuffing them in there, which is not ideal.
For me it's damages, there's nothing worse than a steelbook with a dent or scratch. These things are so damn fragile, most collectors know how to pack but a lot of retailers are still not aware of how important condition is!:(
Ripped shrinkwrap, dented/scratched steelbooks but perfect shrinkwrapping. These really get my goat. That's why I'm saddened at HMV closing stores. I like to inspect the steelbook before I buy it. With online you can't be sure your getting a mint one until it's in your hands...and if it's not you then have to send it back etc etc.

I understand what you say about the prices snooloui but that's market forces unfortunately. As soon as things go out of stock the prices rocket. Look at Socrates on ebay. His prices are insane but someone does eventually buy them. However, like you I do find it odd that people moan when they can't sell something when there are 20 cheaper listings. Also people on ebay who start auctions at a higher price than some buy it nows.
I caunt Post mine , as It will prob result in all out Warfare within the Forum :hilarious:

but a little 1 perhaps :naughty:

any one who measures their Collection by the size of their Ego EEK!

its more like OP said ! ~ its more about how Big your Wallet is now :rolleyes: Determines How you can measure you Collection's ??

thing is , that No one is Forcing any one to Buy which Steel book ??

10 Cents !
I don't find anything annoying about collecting steelbooks...otherwise I wouldn't collect them. Everything from their price down to how easily they are damaged makes steelbook collecting what it is.

Were is easy, would it be so exciting? Most good things come at a price.
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worst thing about collecting steels is that they more often than not are damaged in some way, mostly scratches which drive me nuts. i rarely get dented steels anymore which is gd. life would be so much easier if we didn't have to worry about what shape our steels are going to arrive in and then have to go through the hassle of returns which is a complete pain, how amazing would collecting be if nothing ever arrived damaged and you never had to worry about it and could order a steel without any hesitations.
Foreign languages printed on the steelbook- here is my stance, I want the Steelbook in the language of the country that made it. (ex I'm ok with the French writting on Taken French release because it is a French film)

I'm fine with foreign languages being on on the slip or j-card because it makes them unique.

Oh and printed backs like on regular amarays just look lazy.
over-pricing the steelbooks then finding out it went down 50% after a few months! it should be the other way's just a big slap on collectors (and hoarders! hehehe)
I actually find the j-card/slips really annoying, I mean what on earth do people who like me open their steels so we can watch the movie do with them? there are some that will fit inside the steelbook but most don't and therefore are piled up at the back of a cupboard (I don't like them covering the steels in the protective covers I put them in either)...I only keep them just in case I sell one someday otherwise they'd be in the recycling already :)
Where to begin......

1. Quality Control (the big one. Too many spine slashes, paint chips, scratches and other marks - such as ''paint splodges'' on glossy finishes & parts where paint hasn't applied properly on matte finishes. Also spine alignment has been poor at times).
2. Printed backs (this is a big no, especially since the main point of a steelbook is to showcase the artwork, not a load of text and promo info)
3. Glue on backing sheets (why is this even needed when the damn thing is shrinkwrapped to the back anyway?)

There are more but these I think are the main ones for me (I'm excluding stuff regarding retailers shipping/packaging/prices and market values).
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