Jan 29, 2009
Sorry, I've always wanted to do that in the low movie voice. But usually Sundays are very slow news days, and since I'm still on vacation, I wanted to try something new. Every Sunday we will run this weekly column, and you the readers can talk which games you played over the weekend in the comments section, or even better in our amazing forums.

So this weekend, I haven't played too many PS3 games, but i have gone to Dave and Busters where I did play House of the Dead 4. It was quite fun but the fiance couldn't handle it and kept killing me as a partner. After that fiasco the fiance saw tickets coming out of the other machines and became a little school girl trying to figure out which game was the best to play for tickets. So as I was playing Skee-ball and kicking everyone's butt, she found this game that has a spinner on the inside and 4 levels you can get up to. So, as I was playing and she was watching the game, this lady plays 10 times and won 1,000 tickets. She's like hell yeah this is the jackpot, and we begin to play. It really is a stupid boring game, but she was so giddy for tickets that we kept playing The spinner spins around real fast, and you can either fast stop the spinner, or slow stop the spinner. The spinner background was split into 16 number tickets, and if you landed in the upper 1/4th then you moved up to a better spinner, 4 spinners in total all 1 right after another rising up into the air above you.

We preceded to get to the top spinner 4 or 5 times, only to fall into a booby trap and be sent to the 3rd, 2nd, or 1st spinners, ruining all the fun, as the top spinner has 400, 500 , and 1000 ticket splits. In the end, we only ended up with 2,000 tickets, but boy was it intense trying to get up to that 4th spinner, lol.

Anyways, when I do get off vacation I will probably be starting up Red Faction Guerrilla again and once that's beaten move onto Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. I am also in a dynasty for NCAA Football 2010, and currently unranked at 6-0 as the Kansas State Wildcats. If a weekly story about my dynasty intrigues you, I can start typing them as we speak. Just shoot a comment below if interested. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, I'll be back in no time.
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