4K-USA The Abyss (4K + Blu-ray) (Ultimate Collector's Edition) [USA]

Space Cadet

[ sexy wolfchild ]
Premium Supporter
Nov 26, 2017
Release date: March 12, 2024
Purchase links: Amazon - Walmart - Target
Price: $24.99
Notes; 2 cuts, slipcover in the original pressing
Group buy: posted by apsmith21


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"Unbeknownst to attendees (but later confirmed by festival programmers), the DCP presentation turned out to be the 4K transfer Cameron announced last year, physical and streaming versions of which he said were “out of his hands” but all work has long been completed. “All of the mastering is done and I think it drops pretty soon — a couple of months or something like that,” Cameron said in response to an audience question. “There’s a lot of added material that they’re sticking in there, and it will be available on streaming simultaneously. But I didn’t just want to look at the old HD transfer. I wanted to do it right.”
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Well at least something they'll do right. Now maybe his royalty can go fix T2 house of wax.
I will reserve judgement as I was very unhappy with the tinkering in the Aliens blu-ray to the point I still watch my CAV laserdisc box set and prefer it.
I will reserve judgement as I was very unhappy with the tinkering in the Aliens blu-ray to the point I still watch my CAV laserdisc box set and prefer it.
What was wrong with it ? Long long time since I've seen it ...
What was wrong with it ? Long long time since I've seen it ...
The film was shot on super 16mm and was grainy as hell giving it that rough look I saw in the cinema. The laserdisc retains that. The blu-ray looks like they removed every inch of grain to the point where it looks like a modern digital recording on a red camera.
The film was shot on super 16mm and was grainy as hell giving it that rough look I saw in the cinema. The laserdisc retains that. The blu-ray looks like they removed every inch of grain to the point where it looks like a modern digital recording on a red camera.

When knowing how Cameron loves tech you might be in for a non-treat. lol. Well ... this is not announed yet so it might take years. And years. And couple more.
When knowing how Cameron loves tech you might be in for a non-treat. lol. Well ... this is not announed yet so it might take years. And years. And couple more.
I'm in no hurry, have my laserdisc CAV box set for The Abyss and Have keep my original Star Wars deluxe box set from 1995 and still give them a spin. Amazing how good they look on a modern OLED.
The film was shot on super 16mm and was grainy as hell giving it that rough look I saw in the cinema. The laserdisc retains that. The blu-ray looks like they removed every inch of grain to the point where it looks like a modern digital recording on a red camera.
Aliens was shot on 35mm film with an ARRIFLEX 35 III Camera. It wasn't shot on super 16mm film. The grain was the result of using 400T film stock.
Aliens was shot on 35mm film with an ARRIFLEX 35 III Camera. It wasn't shot on super 16mm film. The grain was the result of using 400T film stock.
Might have been the Abyss but whatever it was grainy as hell judging by the stock used. And yes that stock I just checked shifted towards the cyan which explained it's colour palette. I just checked my box set and yes it mentions that stock and it's seriously grainy. The difference between this set and the blu-ray is night and day. Anyone who has that laserdisc box set can confirm that. Just checked The Abyss was shot on super 35mm. I think I was thinking of TV shows like Sharpe....
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variety link
It has a update and end of article

Update: An earlier version of this story reported that Wednesday’s presentation of “The Abyss” at Beyond Fest was the 4K version, but a social media post from the festival that confirmed this detail has since been taken down. Representatives for the festival subsequently confirmed to Variety that the DCP shown was only in 2K resolution. We apologize for the error.
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