'The Hangover 3': Warner Brothers Moves Towards Third Installment Of Hit Film Series

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA
Hollywood likes sure things. $200 million in five days is a very, very sure thing.

Coming off a wild five day US take of $137 million and a worldwide overall gross of $200 million in just five days, the runaway -- and record-setting -- success of "The Hangover: Part II," has led Warner Bros. to start the wheels turning for a third nightmare for the Wolf Pack.

Screenwriter Craig Mazin, who co-wrote the money printing second film, will write a third "Hangover" film, The Wrap relays (via Tracking Board). As much money as a third movie could make (the first made $467 million, which the second should surpass within a week or two), it'll also cost Warner Bros., as well.

The Hollywood Reporter is a bit more cautious with the story, saying that Mazin is in early talks to write the film, and that Warners is "getting the gang back together" for the film.

As Deadline reports, none of the series' stars -- Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis and Ed Helms -- are under contract for third film, and neither is director Todd Phillips, so major raises will be in order for each of them.

The spectre of a third film was broached even before the sequel's great success, as Phillips and crew were asked about the possibility while doing press tours. And while critics have lambasted the new film for being too similar -- and perhaps a much weaker version -- of the first, a new movie would bring some major changes, the director said.

"Quite honestly we really haven't talked about it as we just finished the movie two weeks ago, this is the first time we've all been together in awhile," Phillips said at a recent press conference (via Collider). "If we were to do a third one, if the audience... if the desire was there... I think we have a clear idea where that would head and it's certainly not in the same template you've seen these movies."

With the film now definitely on the way, fans can anticipate an ending to the Wolf Pack's adventures, Phillips promised.

"The third would very much a finale and an ending. The most I could say about it and I haven't discussed it with these actors is that it is not following that template but very much a new idea."