DigiPack The Neverending Story Extended Edition LE Blu-Ray Digipack [Japan]


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Apr 12, 2009
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im assuming that this is the theatrical Edition with the German Cut included as the extended Version?

Anyone else thinking of grabbing this?
I LOVE this movie, and this story. But I have to wait and see if they did anything different with the Blu-Ray, because the 1st Blu-Ray I purchased of this had an abominable transfer. The next Blu-Ray also had the same awful transfer.
The Never Ending Story Blu-ray digipack [Japan]

Released September 4th, 2013

Available here


Audio: English
Subtitles: Japanese
Region: Free


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It's a digipak so why isn't it in the digipak forum instead? There's even a thread for it already: https://www.hidefninja.com/community/threads/34078/
Just because it has the word limited or collector in the title a title shouldn't be here if we already have a forum for that type of packaging. It never happens with steelbooks for instance but digipak's and such it often happens to.

Pretty bad artwork if you ask me. Not up to Japan standards imo.
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Can someone please explain why the designers were so lazy that they decided to occupy 60% of the cover with blank black space?

Seriously? No... really. Seriously? Of all the cool artwork possibilities, I am perplexed by this. It is just astounding to be honest.
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That was the very first movie I watched on the movies. I will definitely consider getting this release. Thanks for the heads up.
Is this a Digibook or a Digipack? Either way one of my favorite films ever...Steelbook please! May need to order this one too.
just shut up and buy it DB.;) You are correct DB, would you please change title and move to correct section. Thanks
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