The Prince Charles Cinema Thread


Premium Supporter
Jan 5, 2012
Thought I'd get this posted for us chaps in the UK.

The Prince Charles Cinema has existed in its current incarnation since 1991 (in previous lives it was a West End Theatre and a film-house of ill repute!).

The only non subsidised repertory cinema in the UK, we do not receive funding from the Arts Council, the Lottery or any other body. We act independently in our dealings with all film distribution companies. We have operated our low ticket pricing policies since 1991 and have a loyal base of regular customers. The PCC community!

We recently completed a major refurbishment of the building, adding in a second screen in the upper levels of the cinema. This has enabled us to continue showing our great value classic cinema downstairs, whilst also branching out into showing brand new premium films upstairs.

From cult festivals to the latest box office hits, the Prince Charles Cinema is the heart of independent film in London.


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I've had the pleasure of seeing some fantastic movies here, with some of my best friends (one of them being Bigrob from this forum)

I've seen -

* Alien Quadrilogy (original 35mm presentations)
* Die Hard trilogy (original 35mm presentations)

I had the greatest pleasure of seeing both Terminator 1 and 2 on the big screen there, as well as Maniac Cop

Tomorrow I'm meeting Rob and a few others to watch A Nightmare On Elm Street 1 through to A New Nightmare in an all nighter sitting and I cannot wait!
Thanks for sharing this looks like they have some awesome nights.

I'm wondering if this could be the venue for the first UK HDN Conference/Movie Marathon?? :)

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Going to the Shane Black All-Nighter next month :D

Lethal Weapon
The Monster Squad
Last Boy Scout
Last Action Hero
Long Kiss Goodnight
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

Gonna be awesome!!
The Shane Black all-nighter was great fun

Next month bigrob, cheaney (hopefully!!) and myself are going to an Arnie all-nighter!!!!

Total Recall
Terminator 2

Cannot wait!!!