Slipbox To Have and Have Not (Blu-Ray Slipbox) (HMV Exclusive Premium Collection) [UK]


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Premium Supporter
Jul 15, 2014
Release date: January 14, 2019
Purchase link: HMV
Price: £14.99


To Have and Have Not (hmv exclusive) for the first time on Blu-ray. Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall star in this classic romantic drama based on the novel by Ernest Hemingway. In 1940, Harry 'Steve' Morgan (Bogart), an American running a fishing boat on Martinique, is reluctant to get involved with the wartime battles between the Nazis and the French Resistance. However, his loner stance is challenged when he meets and falls in love with young American Marie 'Slim' Browning (Bacall).

Special Features
  • Bacall To Arms (1946) Vintage Merrie Melodies Short
  • A Love Story - The Story Of To Have And Have Not
  • Lux Radio Story - Bogart & Bacall
  • Trailer
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