Is KOSM a scammer?!?!


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Mar 9, 2016
The Netherlands
MOD UPDATE - turns out King of Steel Media (@Kosm aka Matt) is most likely a scammer to some extent, so I urge people not to purchase from him. If you've been unfortunate enough to have done so already, then please make a claim through your bank/Paypal ASAP!

Hi All,

As I see more and more complaints about this reseller and have a issue myself with this guy, I was wondering what's going on, I ordered some 'in stock' items back in November;

...And now still waiting for the refund as I wad done waiting and especially when this fella informed a couple weeks back that the OC of Tenet was NOT even in his possession. WTF?!?! And now I get these mails regarding these custom releases he's releasing himself...
How is it even possible if you cannot even manage forwarding 'in hand' items...
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As it stands, the thread reads like he is 100% scammer and you're lucky if you receive an item. I added that in my experience I have always received my orders. I'm not praising, just balancing out for people that are being convinced that they are unlikely to receive their orders. Imo, I've always received my items. Sometimes early, sometimes after a few month delay. Point is, I have always received.

Your posts are what I'm talking about. You say you've received your items from KOSM so that makes me feel a little more confident that, I, too, may receive mine. That's all. I don't know what that other guy is going on about. Maybe he's been hit hard and can't see past his anger.
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We have them imported via boat so that there is less interference with customs.
What the heck does this mean? I'm not from the UK, but this makes it sound like anything coming through on a boat just gets cleared through. That can't be how it works.
Your posts are what I'm talking about. You say you've received your items from KOSM so that makes me feel a little more confident that, I, too, may receive mine. That's all. I don't know what that other guy is going on about. Maybe he's been hit hard and can't see past his anger.
I’ve always received my orders from him too ( a few turned up this week), although months after ordering even when he has the items in hand. I don’t feel like he’s a scammer, more extremely lazy and not very customer oriented.
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Well, another month without a single f**king response. Now I can call you whatever the f**k I want, f**kface:kiss: You should be so glad that you don’t live in Japan cuz if you did, I would be knocking on your door right now:oohyeah: Oh wait, I can fly to UK, can’t I?:angel: @Kosm
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