Universal Digibook 100th Anniversary Restored titles


Who Blu Supermod
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Nov 26, 2010
Altea, Spain
Youtube has a video about the titles that Universal are restoring for their 100th Anniversary. I think we are safe to assume that these (the ones shown in the video) will all be digibook titles!



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Youtube has a video about the titles that Universal are restoring for their 100th Anniversary. I think we are safe to assume that these (the ones shown in the video) will all be digibook titles!

Has there been any indication that these will be digibooks yet?
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Four of the titles mentioned in the clip, we already know as digibooks - 2 out now "All Quiet on the Western Front" and "To Kill a Mockingbird" and 2 coming soon "Pillow Talk" and "Buck Privates".
As for the others we'll just have to watch & wait! :cool:
Ok guys, I think I found a sure-fire way to see alot of the digibooks planned.

Go here


top right corner click on "list view"

Notice the TBA (to be announced) for the Collector Series column ... if you look only a few have TBA in that column and ones that have became digibooks so far are all listed as such.

ie. The Sting, To Kill A Mockingbird, Out of Africa, Pillow Talk, etc.

And it shows titles like Duck Soup, Jaws, Dracula with that in the category .... so high possibility that is a good indication of digibooks.
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