Value Guide for Buyers & Traders

Hey guys,

Looking for a Big Hero 6 lenti nova value?

Also Segway to this question

Would a sealed a Big Hero 6 lenti nova be worth either Pacific Rim blufans or Guardians of the Galaxy nova?

Hey guys,

Looking for a Big Hero 6 lenti nova value?

Also Segway to this question

Would a sealed a Big Hero 6 lenti nova be worth either Pacific Rim blufans or Guardians of the Galaxy nova?


Someone else will have to answer on the monetary value but I suspect you could easily find someone for the GOTG for Big Hero trade. Pacific Rim would likely be a much harder sell but I see GOTG Nova Lenti A and Full Slip on a lot of want lists.

Bisn't as popular, and A may lose value soon once Blufans releases their Ultimate Edition. That's pure speculation, though.
Theres one on there selling by auction its at 22 + postage pound finishes in 2 days.
auctions that finish before saturday sunday usually is where the seller looking for quick cash
why else would you finish it before people are more likely to be scouting over the weekend
these are the ones weekday finishing auctions where its possible ,not always but sometimes to get one cheap..
The trick is to be patient even if you've got the money to pay top wack .
you will miss out alot of the time but eventually you will nab one cheap
you see these steels nova blufans hdzeta kimchidvd etc going for mid 20 pound quite alot actually most weeks selling via auction not fixed price.
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Theres one on there selling by auction its at 22 + postage pound finishes in 2 days.
auctions that finish before saturday sunday usually is where the seller looking for quick cash
why else would you finish it before people are more likely to be scouting over the weekend
these are the ones weekday finishing auctions where its possible ,not always but sometimes to get one cheap..
The trick is to be patient even if you've got the money to pay top wack .
you will miss out alot of the time but eventually you will nab one cheap
you see these steels nova blufans hdzeta kimchidvd etc going for mid 20 pound quite alot actually most weeks selling via auction not fixed price.
You make a good point, thanks!
On the other hand sellers pay a fee obviously which adds up if you're a regular seller.
dare i say its not unknown for some sellers ,especially if there a specialist seller and you're a specialist buyer ,e.g Steels
The competition is tough @undercutters
for them to reach out to you and cut out the middle man,so you can get it cheaper without them losing or still making making a little bit more than they would with sellers fee
obviously you're losing your guarantee money back ,but guess if there a trusted seller or you regular do biz with them and you trust them..
Up to you if want to gamble
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Hey everyone,

Got a couple of steelbooks for you to price:

- John Wick Nova Lenticular Steelbook
- Frozen Blufans Ultimate Edition

Hi, I need some quick help with the value of the following:
All sealed and mint

• GOTG Nova all 3 no matching numbers
• Avengers Nova one-click with matching numbers
• Godfather play
• Batman the dark knight returns target
• Frozen UE Blufans
• Terminator 4 FNAC
• Captain America Italy 1st print
• Captain America Thai 1st print

i would say as of now the steelbook market for sellers/re-sellers is literally dead on its feet.
what has happened more and more i guess what you would call "normal" for better word private sellers started putting steels on the bay with prices that were undercutting those more business based steelbook sellers
which has forced those to drop there prices

what was once sold as price and maybe buy now .listings
They are not selling then after a while going to auction type listing with alot of them at auction ends going for a loss on the new + shipping + fees price or minimal profit
seen just last few days steels that have only just been released and shipped.
selling on bay "buy now best offer"... etc with listing paypal fees shipping costs added taking a loss
Bizarre really.
Buyers market if you havnt been able to get a from source or these forum buys retail price ,i would say now is the time to grab them now and even if do decide to sell in future should be okay
Hi, I need some quick help with the value of the following:
All sealed and mint

• GOTG Nova all 3 no matching numbers
• Avengers Nova one-click with matching numbers
• Godfather play
• Batman the dark knight returns target
• Frozen UE Blufans
• Terminator 4 FNAC
• Captain America Italy 1st print
• Captain America Thai 1st print

Guardians Of The Galaxy- As you are looking for matching numbers it will probably cost £180-200.
Avengers Nova- Again slightly higher because of the numbers, around £200-220.
The Godfather Trilogy- £35-50.
Frozen Blu-fans- £80-90.
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