What other non-entertainment hobbies do you have?

I collected shot glasses from different places I've visited, until my kitchen shelves collapsed last week and this happened:


Im not sure if I should start again from scratch. :(
I have great interest in reading books and novels. I like to read books on different topics. I like Urdu as well as English novels. My favorite novel writers are Henry Cockton, Louis Zangwill, Robina Williams & Robert Black. Except these hobbies I am also fond of travelling. I want to travel the beautiful and remarkable countries and cities of the world. I want to know about your interests. Let me know about your interests & hobbies.
I enjoy building custom computers, collecting die cast 1:18 scale cars and collecting pokemon cards :D

Recently started doing gym training at home, trying to loose some fat :)
Outside of tv/film/music/comics, I collect rare first editions of my favourite books and authors.

I also am quite a serious "real" absinthe connoisseur, and collect rare and high end bottles and brands from around Europe.
Been collecting Hot Wheels cars most of my life. Then got into reading manga during high school. My favorite manga series are Claymore, Bleach, and Full Metal Alchemist.

And since Mattel has royaly screwed up the HWC (Hot Wheels Collectors club) during 2014. I took up up collecting steelbooks during 2014. Because ordering something and then getting it over a year late does not make sense business wise (HWC).
I collect autographs and memorabilia in addition to steelbooks.

I also collect Silver and Gold coins (more silver than gold for obvious reasons)
