What type of collector are you?

Nov 6, 2012
United Kingdom
From the many posts on this board, there seems to be a wide variety of collectors for Steelbooks.

Some buy 2 of each title, 1 to watch and 1 to keep sealed.
Some buy titles just for the Steelbook regardless of whether they like the movie or not.
Some buy 1 of each title to watch, but keep the J-cards and put into protective bags/cases.
Some buy every edition going, or the most expensive/valuable version.
Some simply open them to watch, throw away the extra stuff and sling it on the shelf.

Obviously there are numerous options for collecting. I buy one of each title, only for movies I want to watch and keep. I go for the easiest/cheapest version to get, throw the J-cards away and put them on the shelf (unprotected).

But what do you do?
It is the only sane way @Actarus. Why collect a series of films by brand (FA, BLUFANS, KIMCHI) when the odds are that you are not going to like all the films that company produces? I refuse to buy a movie I don't like or want- no matter how pretty it is or the label.
I dare ANYONE to take the Criterion challenge: TRY to own all the Criterions!:rofl:
It would probably cost the same as buying a new house!
I totally agree, and personally I am greatful that the Asian steelbook companies release a lot of films I wouldn't buy or wouldn't pay that much for.. so far I've just bought the ones I really want, just some pixar and marvel releases and nova John wick cos that lenti was awesome and kimchi's raid lenti's cos they're great films and they're my favorite lenti's I own:)
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I'm not saying that your way isn't fine. To each their own. I actually have my own unique system.
I keep them sealed, until the point when I want to watch them. So, it's like Christmas anytime!

Yeah, it's not really a policy of mine or anything it's more that i usually watch the stuff before i buy it and so there's not a great need to watch it right away and so it's fine to keep it unopened until a day i decide to open it and like you say it's sort of an extra bonus Christmas on that day. I just kept putting watching Interstellar off for whatever reason. I almost always watch the movies/TV series first to know if i think it's worth buying on Blu/DVD.
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Yeah, it's not really a policy of mine or anything it's more that i usually watch the stuff before i buy it and so there's not a great need to watch it right away and so it's fine to keep it unopened until a day i decide to open it and like you say it's sort of an extra bonus Christmas on that day. I just kept putting watching Interstellar off for whatever reason. I almost always watch the movies/TV series first to know if i think it's worth buying.
You know, time is an issue too. Sometimes I have to make a value judgment before I see a movie to buy the steelbook (unfortunately). So sometimes I will keep the steel book sealed until I have a chance to see the movie (on cable or wherever) and decide if it is a "keeper". If not, I have a sealed copy to trade.
Normally this would not be the way I would go about things. But unfortunately the window to order certain steelbooks with low print runs happens BEFORE I Have a chance to see the movie! This is happening more and more- as steelbook pre orders happen AS a movie is still in theaters! I wish it wasn't that way, but it is.
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You know, time is an issue too. Sometimes I have to make a value judgment before I see a movie to buy the steelbook (unfortunately). So sometimes I will keep the steel book sealed until I have a chance to see the movie (on cable or wherever) and decide if it is a "keeper". If not, I have a sealed copy to trade.
Normally this would not be the way I would go about things. But unfortunately the window to order certain steelbooks with low print runs happens BEFORE I Have a chance to see the movie! This is happening more and more- as steelbook pre orders happen AS a movie is still in theaters! I wish it wasn't that way, but it is.

Another good point. I have also run into this situation a few times. It's hard to watch everything but sometimes you know if you will like a movie or not without even watching if it has a bunch of actors you like, a director you like, various themes you like it's probably worth a buy. Then again, it can also be hit or miss like i thought for sure i'd love Lucy (pun not intended) but was greatly disappointed, i watched John Wick right before it and i could've swore i had it mixed up and Besson actually directed John Wick and not Lucy.

Hey guys, if you'd like to continue on this particular topic, please do so in this thread. Thanks.

Oh sorry, last post on that topic. I didn't see it before this post.

Getting back to the Interstellar collection on display here...
Another good point. I have also run into this situation a few times. It's hard to watch everything but sometimes you know if you will like a movie or not without even watching if it has a bunch of actors you like, a director you like, various themes you like it's probably worth a buy. Then again, it can also be hit or miss like i thought for sure i'd love Lucy (pun not intended) but was greatly disappointed, i watched John Wick right before it and i could've swore i had it mixed up and Besson actually directed John Wick and not Lucy.

Oh sorry, last post on that topic. I didn't see it before this post.

Getting back to the Interstellar collection on display here...
O man! You at the nail right on the head! I do the same thing. I make an educated guess on a movie I haven't seen based on actors, directors, producers etc. I thought Lucy was a safe bet. Luc Besson back in LEON, LA FEMME NIKITA territory! I bought 3 versions (including a big Taiwan box). Long story short – I hated the movie! It was terrible! This was not the Luc Besson of LEON and LA FEMME. This was the Luc Besson that wrote all that crud he produced like DISTRICT B-13!
I am still stuck with all three Lucy copies! And I know I'm not gonna break even. You never know.
But I used ro be able to see everything. But since TV series got good- my time is seriously taxed now. I mean, I still haven't seen alot of the big movies from LAST year! I am behind on my favorite TV show by 2 Seasons!
Time- not enough of it nowadays!!!:LOL:
And I like your accidental LUCY pun!
Best Lucy joke ever: in the movie KENTUCKY FRIED MOVIE there is a fake Kung Fu Movie called A FistFul of Yen...As the movie begins we get a shot of an island, and the caption reads:
Used to buy lots of steelbooks, even movies I haven't seen before. But this year, trying to keep it to just the Mondo and Metropolitan releases. May still get a couple of Asia releases if extra funds become available. Last year was really rough and need to cut back.

Also, about half I keep sealed. Too nice of artwork to open and displays better that way.
Once upon a time I'd get almost everything that was released as a Steelbook as it was less about the film inside but more about how nice the packaging was, now space is harder to come from I'm more selective in fact I used to only buy a film if there was a Steelbook for it, now I tend to only really be interested if it comes with all the bells and whistles e.g. FAC, Nova etc etc
Really interesting answers here.

As i startet Collecting Movies i loved Steelbooks, they stood out of the normal Amaray packs.
I used to buy way too much, Movies i didn´t even like just for the Steel itself.
Since i don´t have that much Money i can invest in my hobby i really had to think about what i really want.

I then came across the FAC and took a look at the other Retailers that sell exclusiv Editions with the thought to keep some value to the Films i buy.
So i startet to spend my Money more carefully and now i buy a lot less.
Instead of buying everthing i want i just buy that 1 or 2 Movies where i can a valueable Edition like the FAC or so.
I have a better feeling spending some euro´s more for this Editions then to buy 3-4 Movies that will end up in a corner of my Shelf.

But everything i buy is opened and i watch all the Movies i buy.

The only Movie that i keep sealed is the Paul Walker FAC :)