[WINNER ANNOUNCED][NINJA WEEK '14 GIVEAWAY] Jack Reacher (Korea) Steelbook

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Lead Steelbook Mod
Premium Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
United Kingdom
As ninja week is in full flow now I'm back with another great giveaway! This time you have the chance to win a Jack Reacher (Korea) Steelbook courtesy of K2DVD,


Prize: Jack Reacher (Korea) Steelbook (Sealed)

Rules: To enter the contest simply state your favourite Tom Cruise Steelbook with a picture and tell us why its your favourite!

For example you could say Top Gun because of the unique embossing!


Once all the entrants are in I will use random generator to pick the winner!

Closing date: The contest will close on the 9th February.

Shipping: The Item will be shipped free to the winner!

Good luck and lets have some fun!:ninja:
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Top Gun is my favorite. Great colors, nice embossing and a really nice artwork.


The movie really surprised me in a positive way and the steelbook is nice and clean.
for me its Minority Report, the artwork is great on this one

thanks for the giveaway
Thanks for the giveaway..

Favorite for me is Oblivion, the Outside is ok, but the inner artwork is just beautiful

Thanks for the giveaway..

My favourite is Oblivion, the inner artwork is just beautiful, one of the best i have seen.

Awesome Giveaway!

Favorite Tom Cruise Steelbook and Film is:

This is my favorite film because i believe it is well put together and its all about the way of the Samurai!:D

gonna have to go with Jack Reacher

quite basic but sleek. been looking to buy this for ages which is why i chose it as the say you always want whats not yours

thanks for the giveaway
Jack Reacher Blufans because I really enjoyed the film and the slip box adds a little something extra to a worldwide steelbook release

Oblivion steelbook for me

Just love that art and inside too


Thanks for the giveaway
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