[WINNER CHOOSEN] [NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY]Let's face it, you ain't seen this movie,but you might...

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Premium Supporter
Feb 14, 2013

Welcome to #bestweekever #ninjaweek 2015!

Price Donated by : @crossbow

Giveaway is closed now. The Winner is @Marco86


To Enter :
(1) In which other movie(s) have you seen the actor in above picture?

(2) Guess which movie is the above picture from

ONE post/entry per person.
Shipping: All covered..
Contest ends March 1st, 2015.

PS - If you have seen the movie, don't worry. You can participate :p
PPS - Does not matter if you do not know the answer, it's your participation during #ninjaweek THE #bestweekever that matters.
PPPS - Giveaway is Normal Blu-ray with slipcover of movie from which above picture is, Open and mint.

Good luck everyone!

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