[WINNER CHOSEN] Little Mermaid [CA] And Toy Story [UK] Steelbooks

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TV/Video Game/Music Mod
Premium Supporter
Oct 3, 2010
Drums, PA
The WINNER IS: shiftyraccoon

Welcome to another great Ninja Week full of great prizes, donated by awesome people.

This giveaway features both The Little Mermaid [U.K.] and Toy Story [CA] steelbooks, which have been opened, and have been graciously donated by @Naughtius Maximus . The winner of the 2 steelbooks, is to pay all shipping costs.


Since one movie is based mostly in the water and the other on land, to enter, post a picture and a small explanation, of your favorite animal, vehicle, or whatever else you can think of, that spends atleast part of it's time on both land and in the water.

:ninja:The best of luck to you all!:ninja:
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