[WINNER CHOSEN] Mondo - Vinyl - Prometheus Give-Away

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

Thanks to the fine folks at Mondo we have the vinyl edition of Prometheus to give-away.


Please reply below with your favorite category of merchandise that Mondo offers on their site?
Thanks for the giveaway the Art prints are stunning but I like the Vinyl releases and they've just announced a line of Kubrick tshirts which look really cool first choice Vinyl then the prints & tshirts:thumbs:
Thanks for the giveaway! :)

I've never been lucky enough to own a Mondo print (they always sell out before I can grab one), but I am lucky enough to own a few of their vinyl releases which are all incredibly gorgeous. :drool:
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Definitely the posters section even though Ive only ever had the luck once to get something :p
Definitely the poster section. I've been lucky to snag a couple of releases from there (the Alien one from last year, Song of the Sea a couple of weeks back & their Hateful Eight timed exclusive.)
The prints of course, although I have no more space for prints. I do like the vinyls...also!
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