[WINNER CHOSEN] [Ninja Week '15 Give-away] Guardians of the Galaxy Best Buy Steelbook

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Aug 6, 2010

Contest is open until March 1, 2015.

Interested in winning this beauty?

Ladies & Gents of HiDefNinja.com - tell us some of the crazy things that you might have done to help your "wingman" (or "winglady") "score" with the opposite sex. Keep it clean, and keep it funny!

Well I took one for the team and entertained the not so pretty looking one for my best mate so he could entertain the stunning looking one.

Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for this!

I've taken a few grenades for some buddies through out the years, if you know what I mean. ;)
A friend and I tried the Barney Stinson move....and it worked. The girl actually started to laugh.
Awsome givaway!!!..... Deserves a shameful story of wingmanship.

I distracted my friends mum at a bbq and kept her company while my mate got busy with his her hot friend in the upstairs toilet..!!

Unfortunately it got very awkward when my mate took the biscuit by taking his time to the point where his mum started questionning me on the whereabouts of her friend and son....
Sabotaged a couples date because there was better chemistry between my mate and the girl. They are married now. Good choice in the end I think!
Great give away! thanks!
been the occasional wingman but nothing crazy tho....

My younger brother had been trying to hook up with a girl who shifted in a few houses down the street & he was bragging about "his" car to her (actually my car, he didnt even have a drivers license let alone a car yet lol ) ( that he lent to me from time to time according to her) not to mention a whole heap of other BS along the way :rofl: That weekend she had a house warming party, I was really hitting it off with her early on only to see my little brother in the back ground who appeared to be having some kind of a stroke with wild hand gestures not looking to pleased to wards me LOL .... since he had been working hard all week on her (BS his ass off ) I did the right thing as a big brother should & went from being total nice guy to instant a$$hole douchbag! it worked she quickly walked off thinking I was a complete d1ck back towards my brother... at which point now behind her as she was walking away I gave my brother the thumbs up. His smile was a mile wide I left he scored job done ;) they got together for some time & he never said thanks :angry: :rofl:
When we were in Ibiza I put a girl off me and bigged up my mate, I was on a promise too, needless to say he scored and I still regret it. She was lovely looking with a couple of great assets [emoji8]

It wasn't all bad as I still had her slightly less fit friend that I fell back on [emoji48]

Thanks for the giveaway!
Told the girl, my buddy could dance like Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing and even can do the 'lifting' trick, which also performed by Ryan Gosling in Crazy, Stupid, Love :)
A friend of my was chatting with this girl on the internet. He went away for 15 minutes, but left his computer on. So what I did was pretending to be him and I got him a date XD
Mate was chatting a lass up in a pub, but she had sprained her ankle earlier in the night and wanted to go home (understandable)...

Me, being the big lunk I am, offered to give her piggy-back lifts for the rest of the night from one pub to another, then finally to a nightclub.

Mate went home with her (suppose it was inevitable, cos she couldn't really run away from him!)
I went on a date with the girl's bestfriend (girl my bestfriend wanted), even though I had no interest in her but was able to pretend I did fairly well. They dated for a little bit afterwards.

Thanks for the giveaway!
I would talk sh*t about myself infront of the girl my boy wants to hook up with, only to get her thinking that whatever f*cked-up personality my friend have, is better than "other" options.
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