[WINNER CHOSEN] [Ninja Week '15 Give-away] X-Men DOFP Best Buy Set

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010

Contest ends March 1, 2015.

In X-Men DOFP, they use time travel as a huge plot point of the movie.

Can you name ONE thing that is and will remain IMPOSSIBLE?
thanks for the giveaway dude!

the one thing is me me one day not being a ninja. I will always be one and no one could say any different.
Thanks for this!

The one and only thing that man will never be able to truly understand, is simple, WOMEN! ;)
Me flying trough the sun and on to the edge of the universe in my boxers while eating a banana flavored ice cream ;)

Thanks for the giveaway :thumbs:
To lick your elbow. Been trying it for years ;)

And to never stop learning :)

Thanks for the give away :thumbs:
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