[WINNER CHOSEN] (NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY) Dallas Buyers Club Kimchi Lenticular Steelbook

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Lead Steelbook Mod
Premium Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
United Kingdom
Here is a Ninja week giveaway on behalf of HDN forums! This one is for a chance to win a new copy of Dallas Buyers Club Kimchi lenticular Steelbook. This prize has been kindly donated by @Naughtius Maximus

Rules: To enter all you have to do is state your favourite Kimchi DVD release.

Shipping: winner pays

End date: The giveaway will end on Sunday the 1st March. The winner will be chosen by random.org. Good luck everyone! :)

Winner: @ste22


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Thanks for the giveaway !!! David and Sigil.

My vote goes to Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Lenticular design is just perfect and suits the theme of the movie spot on. Goodies included in package are very well thought of and designed as well. Just awesome.
Thanks for the give-away! Will give two answers... of the ones I own, T2 Kimchi is still my #1. Of the ones I didn't get, I most regret not grabbing Amelie Lenticular. Loved that slip and the steel looked good.
Thanks for the sweet giveaway!

For me:

If remaining sealed: Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes - simply the best lenti I've ever seen
If being opened: Leon (Full Slip)
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