[WINNER CHOSEN] [NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY] Frozen (Thailand Steelbook)

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Dec 28, 2012


Welcome to #bestweekever #ninjaweek 2015!
Prize donated by: @Naughtius Maximus


To enter:

What's your favorite moment from Frozen?


ONE post/entry per person.
Shipping: winner pays for shipping.
Contest ends March 1st, 2015.

Good luck everyone!

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has to be Elsa singing "Let it Go" for me as it reminds me of my niece who loves the song and would dress up and run around the house singing it!!! Luckily for me I only got to enjoy it for a short time while visiting and it is a great memory, although I think my sister may disagree on how great that scene was having to have seen and heard it 100's of times :D
Anything with Olaf. He's my favorite part of the movie, especially when this happens:

Thanks for the giveaway.
THANK YOU for this awsome prize draw.

If im being honest I am holding out on watching the film my daughter is only 6months once she is old enough to listen and watch the film thats when I will watch it and enjoy some special father & daughter time.

I already have the zavvi Mulan on stand by.
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