[WINNER CHOSEN] [NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY] Pacific Rim Steelbook (Future Shop)

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Feb 28, 2011
This giveaway is now closed!


On behalf of HDN, I present to you one of many prizes which has been kindly donated by @Hooch for Ninja Week 2015!

The prize is a copy of Future Shop's Pacific Rim steelbook.


To enter, just answer this simple question...

What's your favourite Guillermo del Toro movie?

One entry per member
Winner: A winner will be announced on March 1st
Shipping: Free (worldwide)

Thank you and good luck! :thumbs:

If you're not already a Premium Member, then there's no better time than now to upgrade your membership and have access to even more giveaways - become a fully fledged Ninja today!
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Pan's Labyrinth or Chronos, but I'm leaning towards Chronos. Chronos has all the great del Toro hallmarks and is the kind of movie I'd like to see him go back to doing.
Although I love the Devils backbone and pans labyrinth I'll have to choose hellboy.
It's made so well and Ron pearlman is perfect, no one could of played it better

Thanks for the amazing giveaway
Pans Labyrinth for sure.
I remember seeing it at the cinema knowing nothing about it (or that it was subtitled)
It stuck with me that the fantasy horror aspect was overshadowed by the evil of Captain Vidal.
PACIFIC RIM all the way! How can you not like giant robots fighting giant monsters!?!?!
Awesome giveaway!

Pan's Labyrinth isn't just my favorite Del Torro movie, its easily in my top 10 favorite movies of all time!
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