[WINNER CHOSEN] [Ninja Week '15 Giveaway] Win Daryl Dixon and his chopper!

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
How do you win this prize?


Simple. Tell us your favorite character from the Walking Dead and WHY!!!! (add pictures, too)

Winner chosen at random, contest will close on Sunday, March 1st.
This prize is great addition to Blu-ray box sets. Thanks;)

I love Ricks complexity...i enjoy watching how he changes from season to season.

Hi, and thank you!

My favorite is Beth, because she is one of very few people on that show who don't seem perpetually stupid.

On top of that, she sang one of my favorite Tom Waits songs. That was just badass.

Simple. Tell us your favorite character from the Walking Dead and WHY!!!! (add pictures, too)

My favourite character from the walking dead is Maggie, I know, right? She's just a bundle of hotness in a world where beauty has seemed to fade away!! She's also badass with a gun too! That's always a plus point!!! :D:D:D
It was hard to decide. But I guess my favorite character of TWD is Rick Grimes because he is awesome! After everything he's been through, he still manages to be the leader of the group. Of course, he's not perfect and he makes mistakes. But who doesn't?

My second favorite is certainly Daryl. He's incredible!

Thanks for the awesome giveaway :thumbs::thumbs:
My favourites are tied with Michonne and Daryl then Glen
But I'm gonna pick Michonne, why?? How can anyone not love a character that can chop a zombie's head off( in one chop) using a really cool sword??
Maggie. Starts out as a simply hot farmer's daughter, quickly morphs into a badass who can easily hold her own. Plus, i was shocked like crazy the first time i heard her real voice outside of the show.


It's a toss up between daryl and Rick but I'm going for Rick

He's just too awesome


Thanks for the giveaway
Very cool giveaway, Thank you. While I still think Daryl is the best, Tyreese is my favourite, the reason is a spoiler for people who haven't seen it yet...
He protects (sometimes slowly) and returns Rick's little baby girl Judith!

That's Easy...Daryl himself. He's a Badass F**ker and he's man enough to show some tears.
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