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Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
Hello HDN,

Here you have a chance to win a beautiful, brand new Target exclusive Blu-ray Digibook, donated by me.


Just share the answers to these questions with us and you're in the running!

1) What are 3 of your favorite Disney movies?

2) Who is your favorite female character of any Disney film?

Have fun & thanks for participating in NINJA WEEK 2014!

Winner: kbr1656

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[NINJA WEEK'14 GIVEAWAY] Brave Target Exclusive Digibook

My fav 3 movies would be
1- Finding Nemo
2- Wall-E
{param} thanks to steelers for the heads up. Forgot that it was not Disney.
3- Aladdin

And my fav female Disney character would be Jasmine from Aladdin
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- Beauty and the Beast
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
- Peter Pan

Favorite Female: Jasmine
Thanks for the giveaway! :oohyeah:

1) Tron Legacy - Pirates of the Caribbean - The Incredibles
2) Merida from Brave
Favorite Disney movies
1) Jungle Book
2) Bambi
3) Lion King

Favorite Female character is Jessica Rabbit
from Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Thanks For this Fantastic Giveaway :thumbs:
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Thank you so much DB

1 Enchanted

2 Mulan

3 The Little Mermaid

Giselle from Enchanted as she becomes a person with views and emotions instead of the bimbo she begins the film as.
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