(WINNER CHOSEN) [Ninja Week'15 Give-away] Face/Off Blufans Exclusive Steelbook

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Collectibles Mod
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Sep 4, 2011
Prize donated by @digitalbabe


Answer the following questions to enter:

What's your favorite John Travolta movie?

What's your favorite Nicholas Cage movie?

And finally who of them is the better actor? :D

Winner will be announced on 28th February.


And the winner is @bigwednesday0 , Congratulations! :)

I would also like to thank you all so much for your participation in this give-away! :)
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Answer the following questions to enter:

What's your favorite John Travolta movie? Look Who's Talking

What's your favorite Nicholas Cage movie? Con Air

And finally who of them is the better actor - Nicholas Cage by a long shot. They both have their positive and negative points, but at the same time, you can't beat the good old con air!! It's just truly spectacular and my favourite movie of all time.

Thanks for the giveaway buddy!! Face Off is an epic film and the blufans has escaped me for a good while.
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What's your favorite John Travolta movie? Pulp Fiction

What's your favorite Nicholas Cage movie? Gone in 60 Seconds or The Rock or 8mm

And finally who of them is the better actor?
both are great
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Ooo nice giveaway DB!

What's your favorite John Travolta movie? Pulp Fiction

What's your favorite Nicholas Cage movie? Kick-Ass

And finally who of them is the better actor? J. Travolta
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John Travolta Movie :
- Blow Out

Nicolas Cage Movie :
- Wild at Heart

The better actor (they both suck :rofl:) :
Nicolas Cage
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John Travolta: Pulp fiction
Niclas Cage: Con Air

Of course Travolta is the better actor.

Thanks for the great giveaway,
Best wishes,
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What's your favorite John Travolta movie?
Pulp Fiction
What's your favorite Nicholas Cage movie?
And finally who of them is the better actor? :D

Cage. He's crap now, but used to be great.
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What's your favorite John Travolta movie? Face Off

What's your favorite Nicholas Cage movie? The Rock

And finally who of them is the better actor? Travolta. Cage can't sing
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John Travolta: Hairspray, I mean Pulp Fiction! :thumbs:
Nicholas Cage: Sorcerer's Aprentice/Kick Ass

Nicholas Cage is the better actor IMO, maybe because I like the movie's he's in more. Thanks for this amazing giveaway!
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What's your favorite John Travolta movie? Grease

What's your favorite Nicholas Cage movie? National Treasure

And finally who of them is the better actor? Travolta

Thanks for the giveaway!
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Thanks for the great giveaway!! (Thanks again DB!!)

My favorite Nicholas Cage movie is an under-seen Masterpiece.
(The Peter Gabriel's score is the Bee's Knees, man!!)

My favorite John Travolta movie is an easy one! No Question!!

Pound for Pound- in the acting catagory- there is an undisputed thespian who is unafraid and unapologetically daring and willing push and even SHRED the envelope!!:
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